No, This could not be

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Still thinking about what to write now ... everything was spinning in my head .. That could not be what was happening here .. A song on the radio tore me from my thoughts - 80 million - I stood in front of the window and dreamed. ..and if there is a possibility he is and is really interested in me ... God damn girl just try what you have to lose ... (Yes, I'm here..My girlfriend has got tickets .. But I'm not easy on you ..i'm curious if you recognize me) .... Pressed send and Anna tapped me on the shoulder and grinned "Well, you already dream of lying in the arms of Seth" ... "Maybe as I said he said is really hot and ".."I know you wouldn't say no, but before that happens come breakfast" I smiled "I'll come right away" Anna went towards the kitchen and I think for a moment ... (Really .. Then let yourself be surprised .. I'll find you baby) ... then I'll leave ..ok if you knew Colby I thought ... I quickly wrote an ok back, made my way to Anna and enjoyed the time with her we hadn't done for a long time .. It was so good the afternoon we went with the little one to the zoo ... Anna took great pictures of me and the little ones ... It was indescribably beautiful hours and I cleared my head but one thought never let go ....what do I do if he recognizes me .. He is a hero for many and I a nothing ... "Who am I Anna? What do you see in me?" ...

"You are a great woman, a good mother and the man who gets you should be the happiest in the world ..the best is you are my best friend "Anna didn't even know how well her words did ... I gathered my courage and sent Colby a photo of me and my sweet ... It took me a while to get an answer. ..(Is that your daughter .. That's cute! What's her name?) .... (Yes that's my little one .. her name is Kelly) .... Put the phone away and Anna asked me "who is he? You are blown away !! "...."I do not say it yet and why should it be a man? ".." Your eyes shine only if you like a man ".the answer I still owe Anna and took care of my little one .... "or is it Seth?" .. "sure he also writes with fans .." ... but I found that his words to me flattered and it was so good for my soul ...I felt alive .. free and happy like I haven't in a long time ... Could it be that he turned my head and I was about to fall in love ... !!!!!! What was this man about? I would know soon. I wanted to look him in the eye and see if he really liked me ...

I would have had so much fun that I had paid no attention to my cell phone in the evening when I bathed Kelly and made her something to eat ..I put her in bed and her lullaby should not be missing ... I then went to Anna it was Thursday and we wanted to watch Raw .... Anna handed me a glass of wine and pointed to my cell phone .. "You got post". I saw the message on the display and wanted to put the cell phone away again but then I saw that Colby had written back .. (Wow Alexa your little one is cute and steel with her mom ..) ... (Thank you for the compliment) ...I couldn't stop thinking of Colby .. That he said something about his match at World Cup at raw didn't make it better ....... "Alexa are you there .." .. "yes" said without my look from TV .. "Alexa Seth is calling you !!" ..suddenly there was again my cell phone snapped and looked at Anna ... "how funny I laugh later ....

He didn't call and didn't write a message yet" Anna looked at me and raised her eyebrow ..the woman could do that just like the rock .... "MOMENT MOMENT HE DIDN'T CALL AND DIDN'T WRITE BACK !!!" .. I cleared my throat and wondered how I should get out of the number now ... "SO? ? "...."Anna ok, I can't get out of here without asking any more." Take a breath and "Anna sweet .. Seth wrote to me and he spoke to me" .. Anna laughed "Who knows, that suits you" ..I knew it was possible for the Wwe star's to write with fans, because Anna did it herself ... (Hey Alexa how are you? I liked to know more about you, okay?) .... (Okay .. what do you want to know?) ....I still looked raw and then went to bed .... But I couldn't sleep I wrote with him half the night ......

Completely tired I went to the kitchen in the morning the coffee scent had woken me up and Anna was already holding out a cup ... "Good morning, dear lady ... What's up with today?" .. The woman was always so cheekily cheerful early morning...I could not do that I was not responsive before the first cup of coffee "I want to go to the lawyer and then finally do what I should have done much earlier" took a long swig of coffee ...and sat down ..... "ok it's about time" said Anna and looked at the clock "I have to go to work." .. "I clear up rooms, if I can live here I will help you too" Anna waved and went.... I finished my coffee and made myself something to eat and leave the messages that my husband wrote me ... How sneaky .. And that I would be ungrateful .... A lying bitch .. Also finds mom ok i had to smile .. i thought the wrong snake ... it never liked me ... and i got pregnant too ... (Alexa I can not sleep I have to think of you ..if I close my eyes I see you and if I open them again I wish you were here with me) ....

He thinks of me ... wants me to be with him ... Now it was enough for me and just asked ( Why are you writing this to me? I am confused now) .......the answer can be quick (I like you but since you are married .. Is this a dream ... that you love me) .... WHAT NO HE HAS HE IS ... IN ME !!!! (Or could i hope you like me more than you say) ... YES HE HAS RIGHT I WANT HIM ...I write back but did not reveal that I somehow loved him ... (You first and no matter what the answer is then I'll tell you) .... A while passed and I had the kitchen clean my little one. ..Kelly played satisfied and happy I had another cup of coffee (I'm ok at first but then be honest with me !!! Have I seen your photo and looked into your eyes ... Did I want you .. you and no other) .....I leave it there ... oh I didn't expect that (Really I never thought that you ... OK then I am well .. I admit that I was already in love with you ..i want you divorce from my husband and yes I can not get you out of my head. ..,) With this answer from me I made my way to the lawyer .... and was excited to see what would come ......

With the little one I went through the park and thought about what the lawyer said .... So much he had said to me that I had to understand everything first but one thing was clear was right to get a divorce and that regardless of what would happen to me and Colby whether .. thoughts shot through my head ... "Oh dear daughter-in-law and you are proud of yourself !!! My son is so bad "...."Oh yes, probably because he has to do everything himself and there is no longer a maid," I said with an undertone that she had never heard of me ... "so the lady wants to get cheeky careful what you do and if you would file for a divorce my son would be better off. .I just came from the lawyer ... "I went on and felt her eyes in the back ... she would like to kill me this old embittered woman ....I went a little further and saw a bench in the shade it was nice Kelly was sleeping and I sat down .. Picked up my cell phone and wanted to send Anna a message ...But first I saw an answer from Colby (You make me speechless ... you make a divorce for me !! And you like me !!) .... For him no ... I just can't go on like this ...(Yes I like you and I always said what a great man you are !!) ... I sat there for a while and enjoyed the sun (Ok .. you said you're on the tour .. where do i have to look for you my love?) .....(In the first rows as always.I have to go but first .. I love you) .. I pressed send and then saw what I had written ... OH DAMN I THOUGHT .. I DON'T WANT TO WRITE THAT .. but before I could delete it he had read it ... (Smile then you would not mind if I would kiss and everyone sees it) .... My heart was beating faster and I had the feeling that I was blushing (You want something. .. kiss me .. !!!! ??) ...I asked incredulously ...(You love me and i love you .. i do not want any other woman .. also the little one is welcome in my world there is room for you both my sweetheart) (And yes it should see the whole world,) Jetzt had he pulled me under his spell and that toolast resistance because I had collapsed like a house of cards ....(I have to go home there’s rain soon ... I just hope that you’re really real and I’m not kidding. Because I can not use that) ....I quickly made my way to Anna and came in time, because just when I came in it started to rain ........ I report to Anna what had happened today ..later I took care of Kelly and allowed me to take a hot bath ...... listened to music and hoped that it wasn't a lazy spell that was happening

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