Why did someone do this to you

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It was a long and lonely flight. I was sad and it hurt .. I got a box in my hand when I was looking for something in my pocket .. I knew it was the box where the chain was in. I hadn't been able to accept this expensive present ... And put it in Colby's pocket with a note (thanks for allowing me to wear something so beautiful, but I can't accept something so expensive) I wrote ..I smiled and found my note with an answer from him on the back .. (Sweetheart it's your necklace. I love you and you can accept it was a gift) I smiled he was the best ..I looked at Kelly who was playing with the teddy bear Uncle Dean had given her. She beamed and saw the pictures in front of her eyes when Colby was holding them in her arms .. How he looked at me and oh yes how he stood in front of me with just a towel around his waist .... "yes little mouse you would also like to have stayed there. Mom also believe me. "Kelly laughed and took my finger and after Kelly fell asleep I looked out of the window lost in thought ....when we got there Anna ran towards me "I missed you but tell me how it feels .. Now you really want to be Seth Rollins' fiancé?" .. "I'm happy you know and completely done with the flight . "my father had fetched Kelly and then the luggage "Lexi you flew there with a suitcase. And what is that there? Looks expensive let me guess from him." ..I hugged my father "Bring her and I want to go home to bed" my father nodded ....I fell asleep in the car but before my eyes closed, I quickly wrote a message to Colby (I landed and on the way home .. 😍 😍 😍 I miss you now .. I love you) .. (I MISS YOU TOO BABY .. I also miss you .. LG of allgo to bed now my queen) (I'll get back to you later my darling I love you 💞💞💞💞💋💋💋💋💖 ♥ ♥ ️ ♥ ️) ......

Anna stay with me and took care of Kelly on when we were home. Before I went to bed ... I took the dress out and hung it up "alexa insane yours? ".." Yes, a gift "I smiled and I remembered. With which face he had looked at me and the night." Thank you for staying here. I go to bed .. ".. sleep well mouse" .. "I still looked at my cell phone and Colby had sent me a photo of the two of us .. I lay down and quickly fell asleep ..I don't know how long I slept, but it was good I looked at the picture and a smile crossed my face.

(Colby). I watched the plane for a long time ..and on the way back Dean patted me on the shoulder "great woman my boyfriend and little Kelly first". I looked at him then at Roman who had to smile. "Oh man Dean the little one did it to you, right? But is too young for you."correct the princess is missing me, "I agreed Roman." But I also see the mom correctly? ".. Dean asked me" yes I have a strange feeling in my stomach. As if her ex husband has something else in mind. ".. it was a strange feeling to let Alexa go. For years no woman had knocked me out of my head, turned my head and lifted my world off my hinges ... Did she already find the chain? ..her humble manner was great Alexa didn't ask for much .. and she had so much to give .. YOUR LOVE, YOUR FAITHFULNESS, YOUR HEART .. She told me that her world was in my hands ..and my queen had made me believe in love again. "Do you dream?" Roman pulled me out of my thoughts "Yes, I thought about whether Lexi had already found the chain." The two saw me and I explained to the two ..that Lexi didn't want the chain because she couldn't accept something so expensive and that I had put the chain back in her handbag. "Modestly she is your fiancé" Roman said with appreciation in his voice ....later she reported to me that the two had arrived well. I was happy and yet this feeling of sorrow did not go away in my stomach .. Lexi was afraid that we had all noticed. it was clear to me that I would get them together forever and as soon as possible ...I would have seen what her ex had done to her and heard what he had announced to her on the phone ... damn it if only the wwe universe would let me go. But it didn't work I was worried ..looked at my cell phone and smiled lexi had seen the message with the picture and wrote back to me ... (Thank you for everything I miss you so much 💕 💕 I love you 😍 😍 ..) (Thank you for the picture too .. My hero) .. (Please ..you don't have to say thank you you deserve it. Sweetheart I love you too and I miss you too) ... I couldn't have met this great woman earlier .. (I didn't want to go ..I don't feel safe here I'm afraid) I swallowed and thought damn it was so that she thought what was going to happen ...

if I had known what he would do to her I would have flown to Germany immediately and would have brought my two women back to the USA ....but at that point nobody knew what a bad loser he was ..... (sweetheart i go to sleep it's late here .. i love you
💜💜💜💜💜💖💖💖💖💖💖💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋) .. (Colby darling but only dream of me ..I will take a shower first I press you 😘 😘 😘 😘) .. (And from what's still ahead of us baby) ... (My hero I love you) ..... I closed my eyes and saw them in front of me ..how breathtaking Lexi looked in the evening dress and thought about what was still ahead of us ..
In the morning I woke up and had the feeling Lexi was still there but when I looked to the side there was none ... It hurt but it had to go on ..I got up dressed and smirked this beast I thought .. She was somehow with me .. Lexi had left her evening star with me .. With the words __That is the most valuable thing I have ever bought! I want him to have with you and take care of it until we see each other again 💞💞💞💞I love you ___

(Colby) I had a lot to do in the near future, but whenever possible we wrote or spoke on the phone .. But it was a little weird with Alexa ..I knew that her father was with her because he was afraid that Tom was planning something. I hated being so far away from her .. I missed looking into her blue eyes .. I just had time and called her ..I knew that she had put Kelly to bed and now had time too .. "Hey my hero .. How are you?" .. Was I wrong or had Lexi cried ... "Sweetheart what's up and please don't say now everything is all right ". "Tom he threatened me .. He said that if I don't come back what will happen". "And that was not all .. Is Kelly okay?" It was quiet "Baby tell me" "Yes the little one is fine. She is sleeping but I'm afraid." ...damn I knew it was a mistake to let Lexi go "Colby I love you and get me and Kelly out of here .. please"

"If I could immediately you know I didn't want to let you and Kelly go" ...I did not like this undertone in her voice and Lexi noticed that. We talked for a while and then I had to go before hanging up. I should tell her what to do. I'll get in touch as soon as I can. "Worry lines ..is something with the little "I had not even noticed that Roman was behind me ... I told him everything .." And you understand fear you only too well. for a while Lexi believed that Tom had understood it because he left her alone but this silence worried me. Also Dean who wrote with Lexi because of Kelly. He loved the little princess and he noticed her fear ..until the day came when Alexa's father called me .. I was just lying down .. when my cell phone rang ... "Sweetheart" "Colby it's her father. Alexa had a car accident". "What" I was wide awake in one fell swoop "How. What happened?" ... "she got off the street I can't say more. Kelly is fine she was with me ". It was clear what I had to go to her quickly I had to .. And I didn't let myself be stopped ...

(Colby). It was clear that it would not be easy. .but this woman was worth it and Dean also wanted to accompany me to Germany and it was already decided that I wanted Alexa and Kelly with me as soon as possible ..I also think that I really got on Dean's nerves the whole flight .. But I still had to think of the words that Tom had said on the phone .. "It doesn't do anything to drive you crazy"I should never have let Lexi go .. I should have listened to my stomach. "Her father knew when I would be there and wanted to pick me up." Thank you for being here .. And not alone as I see? "." This is Jonathan a friend of mine. alexa's father held Kelly in her arms .. The little girl immediately stretched her arms in the direction of Dean "Yes little mouse Uncle Dean is here ..". "What actually happened and who is Alexa?" .. "Come with me I'll tell you on the way. "..As it turned out, the Berm tubes were probably manipulated and Alexa was lucky. "Tom" I called out loudly "He has threatened her more than once". dean offered to take care of the little one her father dropped Kelly and Dean at Alexa's apartment and then we drove to the hospital "I am impressed I wanted to tell you you have proven it allmy wife was pissed but I loved it from you .. "." Alexa deserves to be happy. I love her and also Kelly "." I know boy thank you for that Lexi is so happy .. ". When we got to the hospital we went straight to her .."Go first she'll be happy," said her father, nodding .. I knocked on the door and went in ... She looked at me crying, "Sweetheart I came as soon as I could." I took her in my arms and "thank you" brought her out in tears .. I don't know how long we sat there .. "I love you baby and I promise I'll get you to me as soon as possible Kelly. " alexa smiled "Really I want nothing more than to be with you." "It is so nice to see you together and yes it is the best that you are there for my two," said her father ..

It hurt me this woman who means so much to me to see .. Why does someone do something like this ... I was glad that she only had a few scratches and a broken shoulder .. What does it mean that my wife hurt so to see ..later we told Dean everything and he was of the same opinion as me "The two belong to you. I help you". "Guys thank you I always thought you were all just like to be men .. But I have to apologize ..alexa loves you so much Colby and you also love her. "He wrestled with tears." Thank you .. Even if it hurts that wants to go it is the best for the two ... "He shook my hand and smiled

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