» XIV «

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Sean can't believe it to himself.

After posting the video two days ago, people started to talk here and there about him and Kaycee.

Issues started to spread like wildfire, and some were spreading rumors like 'Kaycee and Sean don't look good together,' 'Kaycee is a cheater,' and 'Sean doesn't deserve Kaycee.'

These issues were hard to stop now. Like who can, right? They're just two people in love but can't even have freedom, a life they wished to have now.

Before, they both wanted to be popular and be an ambassador for change. But now that they're both famous, they just wanted to have their freedom as an individual. But even so, he made sure that he won't leave Kaycee alone even though people started to destroy them. But as long as he loves her and she loves him, everything will be alright.

"Sean, are you still there?" Kaycee asked from the other line. He immediately turned the volume of the TV down so he could focus on Kaycee's voice.

"Yeah. Still here." He answered as he slumped against the cushion on the sofa as he turned on the television, waiting for his mom to finish cooking the food.

"So, when are we going to do it?" She asked. He can hear from the other line the silent music that Kaycee's playing, maybe on her laptop or television.

"Let's do it tomorrow." He answered. They've been talking about their relationship for almost a week now, planning to announce it in public and finally make their relationship official in the eyes of the fans.

"Okay. See you then. Bye." She answered, and Sean could imagine Kaycee smiling ear to ear. He knows that she's happy because they're both doing great even tho they haven't seen each other for almost a week because Kaycee's been busy with projects, and Sean has been planning to release a new set of Lewser Apparel. He's traveling a lot lately because of dance classes.

And he missed her so much. He hoped that he could see her now.

"Bye. I love you, Kay." He said before ending the call.

A low chuckle escapes from her throat, making him smile."I love you more."

They waited for almost a minute before Kaycee decided to end the call. He was smiling ear to ear as he focused his eyes on his phone screen where Kaycee's number was shown. He missed his girl, and he's happy because finally, they both agreed to go public and face the consequences together, for better or for worst.

He was about to turn up the volume of the TV when his phone rang.

His brows furrowed as he stared at his phone, where a name he didn't expect to pop-up on the screen. Why is she calling? He wanted just to let the phone ringing when his sister Serris sat on the single sofa and grab his phone.

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