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"Dancing. That was the first time I met you," a soft sound from the background started to whisper into the area, as chills began to run down on Kaycee's spine. The man in front of her heave a deep sigh before continuing.

"We were kids back then when I first met you inside the dance studio in one of Matt Steffanina's master class. You were wearing a white tank top paired with your usual leggings and, well, your favorite Nike shoes. I still remember that day when I was sitting in one corner and was about to take a break when you caught my attention. You're so good at dancing, and every day, it made me realize how lucky I am to meet you that day. Because if we haven't met, I would've been still looking for the perfect girl to be with- I will still be looking for you," He took a step forward as his sweet smile became visible in Kaycee's eyes. She wanted to run towards him and punch him in the face, but instead, Kaycee took a step backward, which made him stop from approaching her.

"Back then, I thought I would be a normal person who was looking at you from afar. But you decided to approach me and asked me what's wrong. The memory is still vivid to me. Your cute thin voice filled my ears and cut the remaining sound in the area. I am happy that day because at that moment, on that very day when we first spoke to each other, I knew you're someone special-someone I dear. I knew that it was you... It has always been you. You were always there when I need you. You will even run a million miles to catch up to me. You will always take a step forward to reach up to me because you told me you were scared I'd step away from you and eventually let you go. Even though I have been bad, you never let go because you promised me that. You promised me everything, and you intended to keep it. And now, here I am hurting you over and over again." Sean raked his fingers into his hair as his eyes were filled with sincerity, affection, longing, and pain.

"Sean," she wanted to reach up to him, pull Sean towards her, and hug him tight. But she can't find the courage to do it as Sean's eyes started to drink her emotions up out to her eyes that turned into tears.

"I made mistakes. I broke my promise when I told you I would never break your heart. I broke my promise when I told you I'll always be by your side. I broke my promise when I told you I'll always be there no matter what happens. But in the end, I became the cause of your very pain. That's why this time, I wanted to be the man to take a step forward towards you. The man who will hold onto you and never let go. So please, just this once, don't step away. Hold on to me once more, Kaycee. Just this time, please hold on to me tighter and let me hold on to you better," Sean took a step forward and wished that Kaycee won't walk backward- walk away from him. And Sean almost cries out of happiness when Kaycee stood still, eyes locked onto his.

"I know that I don't have the right to ask for a second chance because it is not my decision to make at all. But I already learn from my mistakes, and I intend to learn from them. Just this once, please, let me do the right thing," this time, he was able to touch Kaycee's hands and held tightly onto them. It has been so long when he last held her right, and he won't miss this chance to do it.

Kaycee then let go of Sean's hand and slowly caress his cheeks, still trying to contain herself not to cry.

"You weren't the only one who made a mistake here, Sean. I have my fair share of mistakes that I regret making for the past few months. I know I became a pushover. I want to be the woman you wanted, the perfect one who can match up with you. I know I made you feel like everything is all about me. About how I wanted to manage what we have, everything that you decided not to argue with. In the past few months, only then did I realize that I was too hard on you. The desire to want to be the perfect girl for you overpowered me, which led me to blame everything. But I regret doing that because, at the very beginning, I was the reason for digging up a huge gap between us. And I'm sorry for being that person," Kaycee smiled before a tear escape from her eyes. Sean then slowly wipe her tears away as he pressed them against Kaycee's cheeks.

"Will you still let me love you?" Sean asked as they didn't bother looking away. The gaze is on them and no one but them. Sean wanted to make things right now, and he hopes that Kaycee would let him back.

"You don't know how much I wanted to run towards you the day when you departed with Tati. But I stopped myself because I'm scared to stop you from doing what you wanted. But I never stopped you from loving me, Sean. I let you enter my life and my heart, and it's up to you if you wish to shelter back in mine," her hand drew to her chest as she tapped it lightly, feeling her beating heart only for him- only for Sean, "Because up until now, I'm still hoping that I'm still the girl you sheltered in yours,"

Sean grabbed Kaycee's hand and rested it on his chest where she can feel his beating heart, "You never left mine. I miss you so damn much, and I owe you an explanation for everything that had happened,"

Kaycee smiled and messed up with Sean's hair before pinching his cheeks and spoke, "That can wait. But this moment, please let me hug you because I missed you so much,"

"I miss you more than anything in the world," Sean answered before hugging Kaycee and nestled his face on her neck. And they were taken aback when the lights on the ice cream store opened, revealing the happy faces of their friends who witnessed their profession of love for each other, followed by a loud clap from the audience.

At that moment, Kaycee already forgot that they were actually inside an ice cream shop, and many people are staring at them. But when she saw Sean's bright smile, assuring that Kaycee is happy. That everything is alright.

"By the way, I have something to give you," Sean said before reaching inside his pockets and immediately wrapped a cold, lightly heavy object on her wrist. When Sean took his hands away from her wrist, Kaycee took a good look at what Sean gave her as a present.

"Lewser's?" Kaycee asked after realizing it was a personalized bracelet with the same font Sean's apparel uses. She curiously looked at Sean, and Sean raised his wrist to show his I'm customized bracelet.

"And mine is Weirdo's," he answered happily and intertwined his fingers on Kaycee. "It only means that I'm yours, and you're mine. You let me love you, so I let you love me. We're a team, and nothing will separate us ever again."

"Are we officially telling the world that we're dating now?" Kaycee asked as they swing their intertwined hands and sweetly giggled at each other.

"Hmm. Unless you don't want to?" Sean answered, wanting to know whether Kaycee is ready or does she need more time. Because for Sean, he can wait no matter how long, no matter what it takes.

"I love the idea of them knowing about it. Just don't you ever dare leave me again!" Kaycee retorted before pouting at Sean. She can still remember the moment when they fought and everything that almost ruined what they had.

"I won't. As long as you're not the one leaving," But she guessed that at the end of the day, they were meant to be together even if the world is ending.

"I saw Tati kissed you on the cheeks, though," she asked, and Sean chuckled.

"Would you want to hear my explanation now?" Kaycee thinks for a moment before shaking her head off, not wanting to hear anything that would cause another meltdown between them. "Then, let us not spoil the moment and celebrate your victory!"

Everyone cheered as they bought ice creams for the whole pack. They were, first, celebrating the group's success for passing the World Of Dance elimination round, and second is their reconnection together.

Tricia raised her cone of ice cream and took everyone's attention to her direction, "I have something to say to everyone,"

"I would like to congratulate the team again for passing the elimination round. You made me so proud of dancing effortlessly and flawlessly on stage and sweeping the dirt on the floor. Thank you for giving me the privilege to coach you this time," Tricia looked at each one of the dancers before her gaze finally landed onto where Sean and Kaycee are seated, "And for Sean and Kaycee to say it out loud finally. THEY. ARE. OFFICIALLY. TOGETHER! SEAYCEE IS FINALLY HAPPENING, PEOPLE! Let us all cheers our ice creams to that!"

Kaycee looked in Gabe's direction, who is happy for both of them. And when her eyes stare at Tati, Tati mouthed, 'I'm sorry,' and Kaycee nodded her head for forgiveness before smiling.

Her hand landed on Sean's, and when he stared back at him, Kaycee couldn't stop herself from smiling.

There's only her and him, facing the world together. This time, they will never let go.

TTOOS2: Let You Love Me ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now