Happy Birthday Part 3

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An aromatic smell of bacon, eggs and other breakfast goods wafted through the house; the promise of a delicious brunch easing Y/N's hunger a bit. Y/N had found her way to the kitchen with Billy after the duo had finally decided to get up for the day. Billy offered to make her food and Y/N graciously accepted. She didn't want to admit it, but she wasn't much of a cook and she hadn't had someone cook for her in over a year.. so this was different, but in a good way. She was starving too, especially since she hadn't eaten dinner at Stu's house or even lunch at school.

"Where did you learn to cook?" She asked, giving Billy a smile as she leaned against the counter slightly with her hip

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"Where did you learn to cook?" She asked, giving Billy a smile as she leaned against the counter slightly with her hip. He turned a piece of sizzling bacon before glancing at her a moment. "Since my dad is never around, I had to learn to fend for myself." He reminded her, giving a subtle smirk as he usually did. "I picked up a few things on some cooking shows on television."

"Oh." Y/N said sheepishly. Embarrassed that she hadn't thought of doing that after her mother's passing. She may have had some better meals had that been the case. "Well it smells delicious."

Billy chuckled. "That so?" He asked. "I'm glad you're excited. I don't get to cook for anyone else usually.. so it hope it's good." He added. Y/N's smile faded slightly and her stomach twinged with that familiar flutter. She began feel uncomfortable, but she couldn't put her finger on why. He took notice. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah..yeah. I'm fine. I'm just a little fuzzy still." She murmured, her brows furrowing; trying her best to brush it off. She shook her head lightly and gave a soft laugh. "Does Stu know you stayed over?" She asked, trying to change the subject and lighten the mood. Billy glanced at her again. "Yeah.. he, uh, helped me get you here safely." He murmured, seeming wary.

"Oh. Really? That was nice of him." Y/N smiled softly at Billy, trying to reassure him that she was okay. She didn't want to make him feel bad, especially after all he'd done to help her after her semi-emotional break down at Stu's. She'd definitely have to apologize to Stu later for that. "I'll be right back, I just need to use the restroom." She said. Billy nodded and resumed cooking breakfast; watching warily as she stepped out of the kitchen.

As she walked down the hall towards the bathroom, Y/N stopped at the winding staircase; trying to remember the nights events as Billy told them. Her mind drifted back to her 'dream.' She felt mostly better now that she'd taken a pain killer and the alcohol had warn down. Things weren't as foggy as before.. but she couldn't remember seeing Billy at all at Stu's house. She couldn't remember leaving.. or getting home or anything.

She peeked over her shoulder down the hallway, where she could still hear the sizzling skillet and then slowly began to ascend up the stairs.

A knock at the door nearly expelled the very soul from her body however and she was forced to trot back down them with a sigh. "Coming."

She pulled the door open and was greeted by a bouquet of balloons, an actual bouquet, at least three gifts, an over sized luggage case and an uncle trying to carry far too many things at once.

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