T h i r t e e n

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A few days later, Talia almost danced into the music room, waving her phone triumphantly in the air

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A few days later, Talia almost danced into the music room, waving her phone triumphantly in the air.

"Have you checked your emails, my dear brother?" She beamed at Dante, who was already there.

"Of course I have, I do it every morning," he retorted.

"I mean, in the last five minutes," Talia responded. "See? Sometimes it pays not to do it before breakfast."

"Alright then, what is it," he shook his head, taking out his phone.

"Let me read it to you," she grinned.

Talia and Dante Harrington,

We have a request for you, it is completely up to you wether you accept it or not, but we thought we better do this properly and email you on your business email.

We are getting married in a little under two months time, and we would love it if you were able to provide us with some live piano music, maybe three or four songs during the reception. The style is completely up to you. We are currently in the process of sending out invitations, and Talia is obviously already playing a part in the wedding, but Dante, you will be invited along with a plus one.

We both think your music is beautiful, and would really appreciate you doing this for us.

Please let us know by the end of the week.

Much love,
Grace Amaranti and Virgil Van Dijk

"Um, YES," Dante beamed. "That's so amazing! Reply right now."

"Oh don't worry, I'm going to," she responded, with a grin.

"You can use that piece you've been working on," he suggested. "You know, one of your 'people inspired' ones."

Dante always mocked her with the fact that she used people to inspire her to write music, and Talia laughed at this suggestion.

"You mean the idea I had when Virg and Grace were getting engaged? That is literally perfect," She replied, as she typed out a reply on her phone. "Okay, we need to get working right away on what pieces we want to use as we only have a couple of months."

"They need to be perfect," said Dante. "Your new piece is going to be the hardest, you've got to finish it off and perfect it before the wedding."

"I can do this," Talia stated, with determination. "Let's do that one, and then a duet?"

"Okay yeah, let's do a solo each, and then a duet," Dante agreed. "Oh! What about the funny one?"

"It's for a wedding, Dante," Talia chuckled. "I'm not sure if we can do that."

"We can absolutely do that," he told her. "People will love it! And I've always wanted to perform it live just to see what would happen."

The duet he was referring to was one where they used two pianos, and swapped several times during the song. It was a pretty entertaining piece of music, and Talia had to agree that maybe it was a good idea.

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