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Trent and Talia were sharing a late breakfast, the following morning

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Trent and Talia were sharing a late breakfast, the following morning. Talia had taught Trent how to make Eggs Benedict, although she did it with fried eggs, claiming poached eggs tasted like soap.

"You must have said a lot of bad words in your childhood if you remember the taste of soap so vividly," Trent grinned at her.

"Ha. You're not wrong, I tended to learn the hard way," she replied, with a laugh.

Together, they fried the eggs, ham, and made toast, before putting it all together with a few spinach leaves that they found in Trent's fridge. They also made the Hollandaise sauce, and spread it over the top of their eggs.

Not long later, the two of them were multitasking eating, and playing an old Pokémon game from Talia's childhood.

"I need to tell you something, by the way," said Talia, suddenly remembering.

"It's never good when you start a conversation that way," Trent glanced at her, raising one eyebrow.

"No no, this is good I promise," Talia laughed. "Dante and I turned down the contract offer."

"Oh!" Trent was surprised. "Really?"

"Yes, really," Talia grinned at him. "I'm not going anywhere."

Trent, rather to her surprise, looked a little troubled, and Talia instantly laid down her controller, taking his hands in hers.

"Hey, talk to me," she said. "What's that look for?"

"I just feel like too many people give up their dreams for me, you know?" He sighed. "I don't want you to do this just because I'm in Liverpool and you want to be with me."

"Oh, I understand now," Talia smiled, thinking back to his words the other day. "Trent, it's not just because of that, I promise. Although I do think you're a perfectly good enough reason."

"If you're sure about this..." he began. "My entire family have made sacrifices to get me to where I am today as a footballer. I don't want you to think you need to do that as well."

"I promise this isn't a sacrifice," said Talia. "I feel so much better about myself now, I was stressing about it, but now, I'm fine. Dante and I are going to plan our own concert tour, and we're only going to the cities we want to visit. We're going to work on an album, and release it all at the same time, so we can play our new songs at the concerts. We just figured that we're happy with our lives the way they are, we didn't want to change all of that."

"I'm really proud of you," Trent told her. "You know yourself well enough to make big decisions like that and feel happy about it."

"Not gonna lie, Virg helped me a bit," she smiled at him. "I didn't really expect it, but he said to me that he's often wished he could just play football without a contract. It made me think, why should we tie ourselves to a contract when we really don't need one? We make plenty of money as it is, and I've become famous enough dating you. I don't need any more fame, thank you very much."

Trent laughed, and kissed her.

"Well, since you're not going on a concert tour, I can tell you my idea for the summer," he said.

"Oh, really?" Talia responded, her eyes widening. "Let's hear it."

"We should go on a trip together," he suggested. "Maybe with Joe and Mel, or Virg and Grace, or some of our brothers and their girlfriends. I don't know, I just wanna go somewhere."

"That already sounds great," Talia smiled. "Where should we go?"

Trent shrugged, looking a little sheepish.


"You wanna go back to Mykonos?" She asked him, with an incredulous laugh. "That's where we met!"

"Well thank you, Captain Obvious," Trent smirked at her.

"Maybe Mykonos would be fun again," Talia stated thoughtfully. "Wouldn't mind meeting that dolphin again. Or maybe another Greek island."

"Greek islands can be our thing," Trent laughed. "Santorini?"

"Let's look it up," she smiled. "But later. I want to play Pokémon for a while yet."

"Me too, to be honest," Trent sighed, leaning back on the couch.

Talia rested her head on his shoulder, thinking that, not for the first time, it wouldn't really matter where they went. As long as they went there together, she could be sure they'd enjoy themselves. For the present, however, she was content to stay right there on the grey corner couch, and pretend the rest of the world didn't exist for a little while longer.


🏷 trentaa66 Liked by dante_harrington and others

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🏷 trentaa66
Liked by dante_harrington and others...

💬I'd travel the world for you 🌎

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