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🏷 dani_tretola 🏷 melody 🏷 talia_harrington Liked by virgilvandijk and others

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🏷 dani_tretola
🏷 melody
🏷 talia_harrington
Liked by virgilvandijk and others...

💬Hens Night💍🔜

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"I am so nervous," Grace mumbled, peering out through the curtains of the front lobby of the reception room to the lawn before them.

"Girl, don't be," Melody whispered, patting her friend on the back. "You look absolutely stunning, and you're also the most confident person I know. Well, apart from your boyfriend."

"Fiancé," Talia corrected. "Husband, in about five minutes."

"But literally, I am gonna trip in the isle," said Grace, laying a hand on her heart dramatically.

"Shoulda thought of that when you insisted on hanging all those ribbons on the edges of the seats," said Dani, with a soft giggle. "You'll be fine. Anyway if you do trip, everyone here knows you and loves you, so I'm sure they'll understand."

"Brilliant," Grace rolled her eyes at her friend sarcastically. "You're great at comforting speeches, Dani."

"Thanks," Dani beamed at her.

Grace's white dress was perfectly fitted to her body, and her hair was tied up in a braid around her head like a crown. The other three girls were wearing their blue dresses, with their hair left loose around their shoulders. All four of them wore delicate gold and silver shoes, and matching necklaces.

They were currently waiting in the entrance lobby of the large reception hall, where the reception would take place later on. It was quite a large wedding, as anyone who knew Grace would have expected. White chairs were placed in rows on the grass, and if you glanced to the left of the grass, you would see how close they were to the beach. Several umbrellas were set up over some of the chairs, providing shade to the wedding guests. At the front stood Virgil, and his groomsmen, Gini, Joe, and Trent.

"Okay," Grace breathed, after a moment. "I think I'm ready."

It was a beautiful day, and a beautiful wedding, and Grace did not trip in the isle, as she had feared she would. They had hired out a secluded area of the beachfront lawn, as well as the reception hall, meaning that no reporters were allowed to come particularly close. The wedding party had had their photos taken up on the lawn in front of a beautiful bower of blue flowers, before moving down to the beach for some more photos. Grace's parents had surprised her by hiring an adorable ice cream cart for their guests as a wedding present, and the rest of the guests enjoyed the ice cream and the tables of food that the caterers provided in the hour that elapsed between the ceremony and the reception.

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