Welcome Home Mrs Scott...

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Tessa’s pov –
It’s almost been a year since Landon’s wedding, almost a year since me and Hardin drove halfway to Vegas to get married but when I was asleep, he turned around not wanting to do it without our families. We still haven’t rushed into anything he’s still living in Chicago and I’m still in New York living with Landon and Nora but I’m looking for my own place, it’s time. Me and Hardin see each other as much as we can, him visiting me more so than I do him  he’s had a lot more work trips in the city lately which means I see him more so I have no complaints, it’s still hard when he has to fly back to Chicago I always want him to stay but this whole dynamic has definitely made us stronger. Even though we are living in different continents it doesn’t stop Hardin constantly bugging me about a wedding if he could get his way we would be married tomorrow but I just don’t know my views on marriage have changed so much I don’t see the need to label it.


*My Love – Baby I’m in meetings all day but will come over once I’m done, miss you*
*Mrs Scott – Okay, can’t wait to see you my love*

I ordered us some Chinese food so when there’s a knock I head over with my purse to be greeted by a smiling Hardin holding up a bunch of rainbow roses,

“Here you go baby,” he says handing me the flowers and kissing me.

“Thank you they are beautiful,” I say.

“Just like you,” he says and I can’t stop the huge grin plastered across my face. We wait for the food to arrive whilst he tells me about the meetings he’s had about his latest novel, I’m so proud of him and the changes he’s made to better himself.

Hardin’s pov –
So I’ve been back and forth regularly to New York a lot the past few weeks Tessa thinks it’s down to meetings for my novel which isn’t a complete lie I have had a few meetings but I’ve mainly been meeting up with publicists here in New York so I can move here and be with Tess all the time.

“Babe can I talk to you?” I ask,

“Of course, is everything okay?” she asks,

“Yeah well you know I’ve had a lot of meetings here lately?” I say taking a forkful of noodles,

“Yeah?” she says looking at me,

“Well how would you feel about me moving here and us getting a place together, I don’t want to rush you but things have been great for us the past year and I think we are ready, I hate being away from you Tess I just want to be with you all the time,” I say and before I know it she’s jumped up and is diving in my arms.

“Are you serious, you mean it?” she says with a huge ass smile on her face.

“Yes I mean it, that’s what the meetings have been about, me moving over here,” I say bringing her to my lap as I wrap my arms around her.

“I would love that so much, but we have to move somewhere we can both afford, I want to help pay, that’s the deal,” she says.

“If that’s what it takes for you to move in with me then deal,” I say grabbing her and flipping her on the couch so I’m hovering over her.

We spend the next hour calling retailers and booking appointments to view apartments in Brooklyn, I don’t want to waste anymore time, the first step was getting her to move in with me the next is getting her to finally marry me and make her Mrs Scott, fuck that sounds amazing. Once we finish arranging the viewings Tess puts another rerun of friends on she’s obsessed, she lays in between my legs as I stroke her hair, I can’t help myself when I let my fingers travel down her shirt and stroke over her breast I instantly feel her shift underneath me, the slightest touch and she’s a sucker for me. I let her continue watching TV as I slowly tease her over her bra then making way down her stomach until I reach the hem of her shorts and sliding my hand down rubbing circles over her panties.

“Always so wet,” I whisper in her ear as I slide her panties to the side sliding a finger into her.

“Oh God,” she pants lifting her hips up to meet my fingers, no matter what’s happened between us over the years we are both still desperately obsessed with each other and I don’t think that will ever change. Within seconds she has removed my fingers and pulled my jeans and boxers down before sliding herself down my length.

“Fuckk,” I curse as she moans in relief. She circles her hips slowly before sliding up then pushing back down repeatedly, fuck this is hot, I grab her pony tail and bring her mouth to mine our tongues moving expertly together.

“I love you so much baby,” I say as I lift my hips meeting her movements.

“I…love…you,” she pants as her legs begin to shake and she starts bouncing on my cock like her life depends on it

“Hardinnn,” she screams as she goes rigid on top of me, that’s all it takes for me to reach my own orgasm.

Tess’s pov –
I’m still sat on top of Hardin with nothing but a bra on as we are both catching our breath.

“I can’t wait to do that everyday again,” he says smiling at me before kissing me, just as the kiss starts to heat up again keys start to jingle in the door, fuck, Landon.

“LANDON DO NOT OPEN THAT FUCKING DOOR UNLESS YOU WANT AN EYEFULL,” Hardin shouts as I quickly grab my shorts and top putting them on my face beetroot red.

Of course Hardin doesn’t attempt to get dressed he just puts his boxers on and covers himself with the comforter.

“OKAY YOUR GOOD,” he shouts again.

“Do you two ever come up for air when your around each other,” my best friend says as he walks in with his beautiful wife in hand I can’t help but cover my face whereas Hardin laughs.

“Don’t worry you won’t have to put up with it as of tomorrow, she finally agreed to move in with me,” he says proud as punch.

“That’s amazing news,” they both say in unison.

“I would hug you but I know were you have been,” he says pulling a face.

“Cheeky fucker,” Hardin says throwing a pillow at him. 

The next morning we head out to view the list of potential apartments in Brooklyn and we both can’t believe it when the third place turns out to be similar to the apartment we had in Washington only this is much bigger and definitely feels like home so we don’t hesitate to sign the lease.

“Welcome home Mrs Scott,” he says when the relater leaves us to it and I get Déjà vu.

“I’m not Mrs Scott,” I say smirking at him.

“Yet,” is all he says wrapping his arms around me kissing the top of my head.

“I love you so much baby,” he says into my hair.

“I love you,” I say looking up him smiling.

*Not the best but I haven't done a Hessa one shot for a while... Hope you like it... Vote and comment.. Also if you have any suggestions or requests I'd love to hear them 💖*

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