Chapter 1: Kidnapped

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Chapter 1: Kidnapped 

A knock came from the door as Harry just finished typing out an email to send to his assistant, and he quickly clicks ‘send’. He sighs at how tired he’s been feeling from this busy day and runs his fingers through his hair.

“Come in,” he calls out.

“Uh, Mr. Styles? I was just gonna let you know that I’m heading home now,” his assistant, Martin, states nervously as his eyes flicker around the room to avoid looking Harry in the eyes.

“Right. Um, did you get the email I just sent you about the – “

“No. But I’ll be sure to check it when I get home,” Martin interjects, clearly in a rush to get home.

With a sigh, Harry waves him off. Martin leaves as quickly as he can, still uncomfortable about being in Harry’s presence; even though he’s been Harry’s assistant for over a month now. You’d think he would be used to it by now. But Martin was still young (even younger than Harry, who is only 21), and for whatever reason finds Harry intimidating.

This is probably because the curly-haired lad now owns his late father’s company, Styles Consolidated. It’s a very well-known and successful company in terms of selling advanced technology.

However, to be completely honest, Harry doesn’t think their company is that special. It just became successful because of all the advertising and partnerships Harry’s father worked so hard for. Now Harry has to fulfill his father’s shoes and hopefully keep the company at the top, instead of letting it crumble to the ground.

He has never taken interest in this company in the first place. But since his father’s death, he was immediately pushed forward and was expected to continue what his father left behind.

To say the least, he was never prepared for how stressful this job could be.

No wonder Dad died at a pretty young age, he thinks bitterly as he tidies up his desk by putting some papers in separate piles and folders.

Suddenly, he hears a crash somewhere outside his office. “What the – “

Before he could finish saying that, the lights goes out. Great. Someone’s cut off the electricity. Cautiously, he picks up his bag from his chair and crouches down under his desk, making sure not to make a noise. Outside his office, he can hear people talking to each other and their footsteps approaching his office. He gulps and tries to stay as calm as he can when he hears the door of his room open with a slam.

Wincing at the sudden sound, he covers his mouth with his hand for good measure although breathing through his nose picked up. He just hopes it isn’t loud enough to hear in the sudden silence.

“Nobody’s here,” one of the intruders shouts, then more footsteps come into the room.

“Lou’s right. Looks like we missed him,” another lad claims.

“Now, now. Let’s not jump to such a conclusion, lads,” a low, yet faster voice states, along with footsteps heading closer to the desk.

Harry’s heart is now pounding loudly in his chest, feeling slightly faint. He really hopes they couldn’t hear how loud it read is to his own ears. Quite embarrassing, really. Considering the fact that he could possibly die when they find him under his desk. Because they definitely will. It’s the only place to hide in this office.

Not the best hiding place, he knows.

“Lads, if you take a look around the room, you can’t see anyone here, right?”

Murmurs of agreement follow, which only makes Harry more nervous. This lad currently talking seems to be much closer to his desk now. In fact, he could be just to the side of the desk.

“But, if you really look around the room, like really  look in every single spot,…” the lad continues with some emphasis, now standing behind Harry’s desk. He stays quiet for a few seconds, before he reaches his arm under the desk and grabs Harry’s arm to pull him out from under it.

The curly-haired lad lets out a surprised shout at being pulled out so harshly, dropping his bag on the ground. He looks directly into a pair of angry, dark brown eyes, feeling frightened and trying to pull away from this unknown lad’s strong grasp on his arm. But the lad didn’t let up, only moving his arms to put Harry’s arms behind himself in an even tighter grip.

“You’ll find just who you’re looking for,” he concludes and roughly urging Harry to walk towards the other three lads.

Chuckling, they grab Harry from him and start tying up his hands behind his back. The lad who seems to be the leader of this group makes Harry face him and tilt his head up to look him in the eyes.

“Hello, Harry. I don’t expect you to know who we are, but we need to kidnap you for our own purposes. Now, I wouldn’t try to struggle so much, cuz you really couldn’t get away even if you tried.”

“What’s your purpose then?” Harry questioned breathlessly, glaring back at him when the lad just smirks.

“Just have to. But don’t worry; you’ll figure it out sometime. Now, just quit struggling and cooperate with us,” the other lad demands.

Without warning, which he really shouldn’t have been expecting anyway, the brown-eyed lad places a rag with some weird scent on it against Harry’s mouth. The curly-haired lad pulls his face back, but gets pushed forward by a strong hand behind his head towards the rag.

“Shh. Just breathe it in and go to sleep. Night-night, Harold.”

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