This fan-fiction revolves around the lives of young Krist Perawat and Singto Prachaya, during the days they got casted for their roles as Arthit and Kongpob in the series SOTUS.
The novel would be my own interpretation of what might've happened between Krist and Singto during that period, based on the facts told by them on various occasions such as interviews, shows and gatherings. (I would try to mention the original sources whenever I can, at the end of each Chapter)
Please keep in mind that scenarios in here are neither confirmed by Krist or Singto, nor accepted as facts among the Peraya community as a whole. This is purely based on my imagination, and if any similarity to any other fan-fiction, it's purely coincidental.
All corrections, encouragements and suggestions are always welcome, but please keep all harsh and hurtful words at bay. Thank you for reading and hope you all enjoy!❤️🤗
My Twitter : @Krist_Arthit* I especially thank Aksh (@BabyBearTaeChim), for giving me motivation to start writing this novel. Thank you ❤️ *
KristSingto : SOTUS days❤️
RomanceKrist, a second year student at the Kasetsart University, was just a step closer to getting his greatest goal in life accomplished - being an actor. Already being a hazer in the university and the infamous drummer for the cheerleaders' squad, and al...