Chapter 1 - The Head Hazer

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Krist's POV

Is it too late already...?!?! Urgh! If this doesn't go right, Mike better be ready to bear the consequences!!! The best shot at my biggest dream and he...!!!

I was climbing the stairs two at a time, white shirt already drenched in sweat, the stench nearly desensitising my nose. I was already out of breath, having run nearly a mile, the distance from the bus stop till here, in five minutes. Not a single taxi found on the way. The elevator seemed not to be moving down past the 12th floor, that taking the stairs was the only option left. Just. My. Luck! It was sheer will that was keeping my legs from giving out at this point.

When I at last reached the third floor of the building, stars were floating behind my eyes, and my legs were sending warning signals up and down my spine. However, one glance at the poster before my eyes was all it took for all the weariness to die away. Here I am, standing right in front of, maybe my biggest chance in fulfilling my dreams of becoming an actor. At the entrance to the first hall from the stairs was a poster with the words written in a large cursive font, "SOTUS Final Auditions".

In all truth, there was NO reason whatsoever for me to go through all this madness, had it not been for my forever-nagging friend, who wouldn't just let me ditch the hazing duties a little earlier. In fact, I had a properly laid out plan all along! You see, I'm a department hazer, and I had perfectly timed my "departure" from duties, after calculating on how long the Head Hazer would take to give out duties. But Mike, oh Mike!, who has set out to be our faculty's next Head Hazer, suddenly had the need to teach me on abiding by the law and reminding my sense of duty.

It's not like I haven't broken rules before. Damn it, I've been breaking rules since the first year of university, and even rebelled against the hazers of my time! I doubt anyone has ever been up to to such mischief as much as me in our whole university. And after all, the senior hazers wouldn't even bother coming back and checking whether each and everyone of us had reported to duty, since no one would actually dare not to...

I was walking through the corridor, considering the best ways to kill a best friend without getting to serve jail time, when I saw two lean figures seated in front of the hall furthest down the corridor. I could only slightly discern the figures from this far, and the uniform of the one on the left even looked like our university's itself! Figures really, since the auditions weren't held far off from Kasetsart.

Ahhh the other finalists... Are there only two more? Pretty tough competition I guess... Only two vacancies but three finalists... God I hope I won't be the one sent home...

I slowed down my steps, now that I knew the others too have yet to be called inside.

When I drew nearer to the end of the corridor, I could swear I saw a green hazer band on the arm of the guy on the left... Hah! Funny thing, green is the colour of our faculty too!

I was trying to calm my breathing after all that marathon, and at the same time adjusting my crooked tie and wrinkled shirt while walking. Our hazers should really see my butchered state right now, their uniform rules all mucked up. I felt an unintentional sneer creeping up at the thought.

It'll be fun seeing their shocked faces...

It was when I was around ten more feet to the hall and at a distance where I could properly discern the faces of my opponents in the dark corridor, did my blood run cold, and I inadvertently stopped in my tracks...

Why does that guy on the left look so similar to the Head Hazer from our faculty...? Have all of Mike's lecturing finally reached my brain cells and are performing hallucinations there...? There's no way in hell this could be true... Right? I'll be Mike's slave forever if it is, but please don't let this be true... I mean... what are the odds...?

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