The Reveal! (Part 5)

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"Hello, father!" Hadrian said.

"Son" Snape muttered.

"Should I tell Pansy.." Delphi says.

"About...?" Draco and Hadrian questioned.

"That she's my mate!" Delphi says, a little too loud not knowing that Pansy was behind her.

"W-wait what!" Pansy shouts.

"U- I-" Hermione mutters, but then she runs out of the RoR.

"Wait! Hermione!" Pansy shouts.

Hermione has already left by then leaving them behind. Hermione was in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom crying, when she heard Pansy coming in.

"Hey, 'mione."

"Hey, Pansy..."

"Are you ok?"

"Y-ya, why do you care!" Pansy was a bit taken back by Hermione's outburst, but understood why.

"O-ok, I just wanted to check up on my little submissive..."


"C'mon, it's ok... I just wanted to tell my little submissive that I'll love her till the end of time!"

"W-wait, really!"

"Of course, my little submissive!"

"Well, I just want to tell my Dominant that I love her very much..."

"Awe, that's cute~"

"Anyways, let's get going, the others might be worried."

"But, not before-this!" Pansy said before planting a kiss on Her-Delphi.

-Time Skip-

When Hermi-Ugh! When DELPHI and Pansy arrived, they saw Snape, Draco, and Hadrian sitting on the couch talking about how to tell their close family and friends about Draco's pregnancy.

"Hey, guys!" Pansy shouted.

"Hey, Pansy, Delphi,"Hadrian and Draco said.

"Anyways, you guys were talking about some sort of pregnancy.. What do you mean by that?!" Pansy said while Delphi! (Finally, I(Drarry_luver) said Delphi without mistaking it for Hermione!) While Delphi looked a bit worried.

"Uhhh... Surprise... I am pregnant!... Hehehe...!" Draco said a bit worriedly.

"Okay, well who is the other father?" Pansy asked.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. Me..!" Hadrian said sheepishly.



"NO! DON'T TALK TO ME! YOU DON'T DESERVE MY TIME!" Pansy shouted while she stormed out of the RoR.

"Pansy! Please... Let them at least explain!" Delphi says while running after Pansy.

When Delphi catches up she asks, "Why did you do that Pansy?"

"It's not that I don't accept them, it's just- How could Draco be so, just UGH IRRESPONSIBLE!"

"Pansy, just give them a chance to explain. You know it could stress Draco and can cause harm to the baby and you don't want that, right?" Delphi said, trying to get Pansy to let Draco explain to her.

"Okay, fine. I will let Draco explain. I don't want to cause Dray to get stressed out and cause him to lose the baby because to be honest, I am glad that he is happy to be pregnant." Pansy said while both of them walked back into the RoR.

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