The Party

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-Time Skip- (4 months)

They went down to their room to just relax when Draco asked.

"H-Hadrian... the gender reveal party is on Friday right?"

"Heh, yeah..why, are you worried?"

"N-n... yeah.."

"Hey Hadrian?" Draco asked.

"Yes my love?" Hadrian cooed.

"Don't we need to make a plan to go see Madam Pomfrey with Delphi, so she can plan the gender reveal?" Draco told Hadrian.

"Yeah, when do you want to schedule that appointment with Madam Pomfrey, my love?" Hadrian said.

"How about tomorrow, during lunch?"

"Sure, let's tell Delphi, Pansy, and Madam Pomfrey."


"It's getting dark, do you want to cuddle?" Hadrian asked gently.

Draco let out an agreeing hum.

Hadrian instantly pulled Draco onto his lap kissing his ear gently causing the small Slytherin to lightly purr, cuddling into Hadrian even more.

"Don't worry, love, everything will be fine!" Hadrian whispered into Draco's ear, causing Draco to shiver.

"I-i hope so..." Draco whined, hoping his mate would nuzzle him more.

Draco nuzzled up to Hadrian. Hadrian kissed the top of Draco's head holding him tightly hoping he would calm down... Draco on the other hand, is freezing his butt off.

"C-cold..." Draco murmured hoping Hadrian would hold him closer keeping him warm.

Hadrian chuckled and 'accio'ed a blanket with his wand less magic to cover him and Draco. Draco let out a small noise-causing Hadrian to smile and turn to mush. Draco fell asleep, being pregnant and all is tiring.

"You're adorable ya know..." Hadrian chuckled, letting Draco sink into his chest.

Draco let out a small grunt in response but Hadrian just chuckled and held him closer.

"Draco, baby... wanna lay down or are you just comfortable on my lap?" Hadrian said while holding Draco's small frame closer.

"Your lap..." Draco said in a babyish voice Hadrian blushed lightly but chuckled at Draco's voice.

Draco fell asleep and had soft small snores making Hadrian melt completely.

-Time Skip- (In the morning)

"Draco... C'mon, it's morning, we got to eat, or you'll end up starving the baby!"

"Ok....." Draco said lazily.

Draco and Hadrian lazily got up, got ready, and went down for breakfast only to be met with Ron making fun of Draco. Hadrian tried to kill Ron, but Draco forbade it, making poor old Hadrian a sad choco-muffin.

After they ate, they had transfigurations that went smoothly, but with small insults from Ron.

Afterward, they had a defense against the dark arts, which Hadrian snorted at. They had Professor Moody which made everything much worse. They learned how to cast an expecto patronum and expelliarmus. Luscious Lucius (We're sorry, we had to- Drarry_luver & Ariel_Mermaid15) had already taught them these spells, so they had to act like first-timers when they 'learned' it. The thing was, they were way too good to be put in that category, so they said they practiced a bit at home {you mean in bed... YOU DIRTY DUCKIES, I MEANT BATTLING IN BED WITH A WAND, ACK, WHY DOES IT SOUND SO WRONG- BastardCalledMangos) They ducked {(quack- Ariel_Mermaid15) (-insert Skeppy quack -BastardCalledMangos)} the rest of the school day making a certain potions professor mad...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2020 ⏰

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