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I told y'all I'd incorporate a bitch slap ;)


LATER that night, after Leo fell asleep on me, Rose came in and ate the Chinese food with me. I told her everything.. about how I thought I would make him jealous or some crap and stay friends but then I really just fell for him harder. How he got a note from the school that he won't show me, and how... he's my boyfriend again... 

She said she was expecting it with my confusing ass.

Haze came in  and laid with us, having Rose on his lap as he watched tv. I think he won the Hose/Rese battle.

Screw Reed.

And now... I'm walking down the hall with Leo holding my hand in front of everybody. Girls are staring left and right but I just smile and squeeze his hand. he was way taller than me, but I could still see his perfect face.

He was wearing those blue jeans with a tight fitting black shirt and a belt. He was beautiful...

We get to my locker and I sigh, "Dude lockers suck..." I say and he laughs as he leans against the locker next to mine. A blonde girl comes up to him as I grab my books and shut my locker as the girl puts her hand on my arm.

"Hey, Leo.." She flirts as she bats her eyelashes, Leo's switching his eyes from nervously looking at me to disgustedly looking at her.

I grab her wrist and pull her towards me with furrowed brows. "What did you just call him?" I ask and she gulps... ".. Leo?" She answers wearily and I growl.

I slap her directly on the cheek, my face red and hopefully my eyes full of anger. "Don't. Call. Him. That." I huff before I look up and glare at a nervous Leo. We walk away from my locker, the blonde girl holding onto her cheek in shock.

"I'm sorr-" he start but I grab onto his hand, "I knew you were gonna do it but it still hurts a little... you can really wanna have sex with a girl like that?? right after you have sex with me? Downgrade." I whisper quietly in his ear and he chuckles.

"To be fair angry you makes me kinda horny..." he whispers back and I smirk. "grrr!" I say, furrowing my eyebrows and looking as angry as possible as he nods, "it's just so cute! You cant look angry!" He defends and I shake my head, seeing we're at my class as I shake my head.

"I love you!" I say accidentally and he slowly smiles, biting his lip as his eyes stare into mine. "I love you too..." he mumbles, grabbing onto my wrist and looking at the folded up note before stuffing it in his pocket again and dragging me out of the school.

"We're skipping!" He screams as we get out into the parking lot and run to his car.

"Why?!?!" I scream and he looks at me, grabs my arms and smiles.

"I almost lost you and... if I ever have to again I want you to be happy." He says and I roll my eyes. "Okkkaaaaaay!" I say, rolling out the 'ay'

He smiles at me, trailing his tongue along his upper set of teeth before grabbing my face and kissing me. His fingers run through my hair before he opens his car door for me and gestures me in.

I smile, getting in as he walks to the other side.

"So where are we goin?" I ask  and he smiles, "the beach...." he mumbles and my jaw drops.

"Leo... the beach is a four hour drive there and back, that's eight hours of driving!" I try to reason with him but he shakes his head....

"We both love the beach with all of our hearts Roxy, so I wanna do something special there with you.." he says and I squint at him.

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