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Ratchet couldn't stand having (Y/n) at base anymore, so Optimus relieved them of their punishments a couple days early. Let's just say that to convince him of this took many wrenches to the helm and a hungry afternoon. 

But then it was back to listening to the pair bicker after a mission. They were trying to tone it down for the sake of getting grounded again, and Ratchet now kept a wrench beside his servos in case he needed to hurl it at (Y/n). It was probably safe to say that she was top on his wrench throwing list. 

This would be a particularly unlucky mission. 

"Ooh, jackpot!" the femme exclaimed as soon as they walked into the Energon mine. Arcee was with them, glancing around warily. Bumblebee already had his guns out, pointing them this way and that. "Must be a trap." 

"Sh," Arcee hissed, transforming her servos into guns. (Y/n) unsheathed one gun and one blade, turning around as the Bridge closed. 

"Ah," she said. "There they are." A squad of Vehicons with Starscream at the head was staring at them, arms full of Energon. 

"Attack!" Starscream bellowed, dropping his cubes and pointing his missiles at them. The trio turned to face them, instantly firing. Starscream let off one of his missiles - (Y/n) knocked it out of the way with her blade, Bumblebee shooting it out of the air. The explosion knocked the Autobots back and created a smokescreen between them and the Decepticons. They didn't miss Starscream's yells to get backup. 

"There are other tunnels into other mines down here," Arcee said. "They're all going to converge on us, and we only have a couple warriors to spare. We have to retreat." 

"Good idea," (Y/n) said as the smoke started to clear. The amount of Decepticons had already doubled. "This is (Y/n) to base, requesting Ground-" The Autobots were separated from each other as Starscream's other missile detonated between them. (Y/n) rolled to a stop, her servos returning to normal as she tried to push herself up. 

"Aw, Bumblebee's little rival," a sultry voice said. (Y/n) glared up at Knockout as he planted his pede on her and shoved her to the ground. The lead Decepticons must have been squad leaders for this operation. "This was rather short lived. I thought that you'd put up more of a fight on our first encounter in a long time." 

"It was your fault," (Y/n) hissed. 

"And I'm rather proud of it," Knockout said. "Causing such divisions in enemy ranks is a great way to tear them apart from the inside out." He looked up and nodded at a group of Vehicons. "Take her back to the ship. The bug as well." He stepped off (Y/n), but it didn't leave much time as the Vehicons were instantly on her, wrenching her arms behind her back and shoving her through the Ground Bridge. She saw Bumblebee behind her, but Arcee was nowhere to be found. 

"Great," she hissed. 

They were soon on the Nemesis, Knockout disabling their trackers and throwing them into the prison cells. Bumblebee stood up, beeping out a series of curse words at the cherry mech. Knockout simply smirked and shook his helm. 

"It really is a travesty that you couldn't work better together," he said. "We may not have beaten you so easily." 

"Where's Arcee?" (Y/n) demanded. 

"The only slippery one of the lot of you." So she got away. Good. That would give Ratchet a head start on finding them. "Don't try anything. Soundwave has strict tabs on this place when it has prisoners inside it, especially valuable ones like you." (Y/n) growled and tried to access her weapons, but nothing happened. "Ah, nice try. You see that up there?" Knockout pointed to a tiny device embedded in the wall, too high to reach and protected by some security device. "That messes with T-Cog signals, which makes it hard, if not impossible to transform at all." 

"I would call you something and throw an insult, but I can't think of anything bad enough," she spat. "Oh, wait. A traitor, unloyal and stupid. You do realize that your soldiers, as good as they may seem by getting us, couldn't hold on to Arcee, couldn't stop Megatron from getting scarred, couldn't stop Cybertron from being destroyed, and you certainly won't be able to hold on to us after Raf's tapped into your systems." She smirked as Knockout glared at her. "Yeah, that's right. A human will best you, especially with the help of Ratchet. No matter how much coding your ship has, it can't stop the universe's best hackers." She leaned back in her cell. "So, enjoy coding." 

"It's good enough to know that I got you two in such a predicament," Knockout said, brushing off her insults. "To the point where you're captured by me, and, from previous observations, were grounded from the field for at least a few cycles." He lifted his servo and began walking away. "Enjoy your cellmates, Autoscum." 

"Well, you got that right," (Y/n) agreed grudgingly. Bumblebee turned to her. 

"We can't let him have his way," he beeped. 

"Is this about being nice to me or getting back at him?" 

"A little of both?" 

"Oh, really? You'd include me?" 

"This isn't the time?" 

"Ya think? I tell you that all the time, but only when the situation is dire do you really need me!" 

"Look, we can talk about this later. Just help me figure a way out of here! We'll need to give Raf and Ratchet some assistance, so you're going to have to work with me on this one." (Y/n) let out a frustrated groan. 

"Okay, fine," she said. "But remember that I'm only doing this because I hate Knockout more than I hate you, which is saying something." 

"Thank you." 

"Yeah, I know." She sighed. "Let's just get this done. The sooner I go back to hating you and not Knockout, the better." She reached her servo through the bars. "So, partners for now?" Bumblebee grabbed her servo. 


"Then let's blow this place." 

In My Head (TFP Bumblebee x Femme Reader)Where stories live. Discover now