Total Drama Island

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The producers of Total Drama Island had payed for a hotel for all of the contestants to stay at before the show actually started, witch was something I was not expecting. To be honest, it was a nice hotel. Owen and I had separate rooms, something I was just fine with, as I preferred to be alone.

My room wasn't the nicest, of course, because the people paying for it are people working for a reality TV show, but I could at least accept their kind gesture. As I settled in my room, my phone rang. It picked it up. It was my mom.

"Hey Mom."

"Noah! How's everything going? Have you won yet?"

"It hasn't even started yet."

"Oh." My mom had a very thick Indian accent, something I hadn't really picked up, thanks to my Canadian dad. "Anyways, I just wanted to call and make sure you were doing okay so far."

"Thanks mom. I really appreciate it."

I was lying. I just wanted to get some sleep before I had to drag myself out to an island in the middle of who-knows-where and fuck around with some challenges before winning. Or getting eliminated. I guess that was on to board too.

"Goodnight Noah. You're father and I are rooting for you!"

That made me smile. "Thanks ma. I better get some sleep now."

"Of course. Love you." She hung up. I placed my phone on the coffee table. "Love you too."

I remember reading more of my book before I dozed off, witch was probably for the better.


The next morning, I was awoken by another call on my phone. This time, it was a number I didn't recognize, but I picked it up anyways, but not before practicing my 'I've been awake for hours' voice.

"Hello? Who is this?"

"Noah? It's Chris McClain."

I squinted, my morning brain not being able to register who that was. "Who?"

"The host? Of the show?"

"Oohh. Okay. How can I help you?"

"I was just going to call you to review the rules for the show. I've called everyone already this morning, and I had almost forgotten about you! Funny right?"

"Haha. Nice to know that the host forgets about me."

You've called everyone else already this morning? It's 7am! This is not giving me good ideas for when we're going to have to get up on the show.

Chris laughed. "Don't worry about it. So first off, there will be no use of technology on the island because the signals give my migraines."

"I refuse to believe that, but go on."

"Yeah, that's it. I make up the rest of the rules as we go along."

This'll be a train-wreck.

"Okay. What time should I arrive?"

"A boat will come to pick you up at the bay beside the hotel. Be ready at 10."

"Wicked. See you then." I hung up.

I sat on the couch where I had fallen asleep for a few minutes. After gaining the strength to get up, I opened my suitcase and pulled out the first outfit I could find. A blue shirt, maroon sweeter-vest and green shorts. After changing, eating some breakfast and brushing my teeth, I decided I would take a walk around the hotel. As soon as I left my room and locked the door, Owen was doing the same. I tried to sneak away, but failed.


I rolled my eyes and turned to him. "Owen!" I said with fake surprise. "I didn't even notice you!"

Owen looked confused. "Really? I thought I was making a lot of noise."

I gritted my teeth. "I didn't hear anything."

"So where are you going?" Owen asked.

"Florida. No, I'm going for a walk around the hotel. I needed to get out of my room for a bit."

Owen smiled. "Can I tag along?"

I sighed, but not loud enough for him to hear. "Sure." I gave him a fake smile.

We entered an elevator, and I pressed the button to the main floor. We where silent for a few seconds, so I tried to make it less awkward.

"What time did you get a call from Chris this morning?"

"Chris called this morning?"

"Uh, yeah. Did you sleep through it?"

"I guess. I never thought of myself as a heavy sleeper. What did he talk about?"

I shrugged, as the elevator dinged an the doors slid open. Owen left and I followed. "Mostly just random chatter. He told me that we couldn't have our phones on the island because the signals give him migraines."

Owen laughed. "That's fine. I don't use my phone much, so that shouldn't impact me."

We walked around the lobby. "Me neither." I commented. "I'm more of a book person."

I gazed up at the clock on the wall. "Oh shit! It's already 9:30!"

Owen bit his lip. "What is that? An unlucky time?"

I raced back to the elevators. Owen followed. "I was supposed to be at the bay to wait for a boat to take me to the island at 10. I have to go." The elevator door closed, leaving Owen in the lobby.


The breeze was nice, but the rest of the bay looked like someone had had twenty dogs shit, then run in it, then eat it and then barf it up again, along with their lunch from the past week. And the stench didn't make it any better. My noodle-arms hurt from holding my bags for so long, but I wasn't about to put them down on the ground. Hell no.

Soon enough, a small white and blue boat road up to the dock, and I hauled my bags onto it. Before I could sit down, it sped off, almost throwing me into the shit-water.

The ride only took about half-an-hour, and that didn't bother me at all. The boat ended dropping me off at a beach that looked about as cancerous as the bay. I leapt down with my bags.

"So, where do I go from here?" I asked the mysterious person who brought me here. A harsh male voice responded. "You will wait here until I come back and get you and bring you to the dock, got that?"

I backed away. "Ok ok."

The boat sped off, leaving me alone.

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