Chapter Eight

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A year and one day later

Jacob POV

Today is the day that are baby boy is coming home. we were all worried that he would not make it, but we were all wrong and he will be a strong pup. Rachel took the news badly that she had to leave one of here pup behind with strangers. she wanted to visit him all the time, but we could not because we had our other pups that needed us. right now, I am with Rachel in the bathroom and she is getting a bath. I had my all ready, but the big thing is she is sim months pregnant with three pup which are due anytime now. Now that all of us are clean I am going with are owners to the vet to see are son and bring him home.

Crystal POV

I am excited that we can bring home the Rachel and Jacob pup that had to stay at the vet. my mom and dad are here visiting for a while. We are being safe round Rachel because she is pregnant again but with three pups. When Rachel cannot take care of them Jacob steps in and takes care of them a while me and Dominic take care of Rachel. Rachel and Jacob have not let us around the pups, but we have watch for a distance. me and Jacob are in my parent's car to pick up their other pup and take him home were his mom and brother and sisters are waiting on him.

"are you happy that your pup is coming home today and three more anytime now?"

"yes, plus, and little nerves that this could happen again with are two boy that are on the way"

"I know that is on my mind to but we with think positive thoughts. Ok"

"Ok, hay we are here"

"yes, we are"

"are you ready to see your son?"


"hi, how make I help you"

"we are here to see Dr. tom. we are picking up my pet pup"

"Ok, I let him know you are here"

"thank you"


"Dr. Tom"

"are you ready to see him?"

"yes, we are"

(opening a pet carrier)

"he looks so big and healthy"

"yes, he is"

(phone ring)

C: hay Dominic what is up

D: Rachel has gone into labor. I am on the way to the vet.

C: Ok. Do you what we to wait on you are go home.

D: no, go home with Jacob and the pup I will give you updates about her

C: Ok, love you and give my love to Rachel too

D: she can here you

C: love you Rachel, Jacob says he loves you too

D: I must go honey

C: Ok, call when you can

D: bye

"Hay Jacob you are doing to be a Father Rachel is in labor"

"she is"

"yes, now let us get you home to your pups and this one home too"

(pay the bill and car ride home)

"Jacob, I want you to stay with the pups and watch them and I come and get you when I have some news"


(a little while later)

(phone is ring)

C: how is she Dominic

D: she is Ok, so are all the boys. they all can come home tomorrow

C: that is good news

D: yes, it is. I am on my way home with pictures of the pups with Rachel for Jacob. how is he doing

C: he is Ok. the pups were making a lot of noises but now it is quiet. I was going to check on him after you call me for, I can give him the news

D: that is a good idea. I must go right now see you when I get to the house

C: Ok, love you

D: you too

"Jacob, Crystal. where are you?"

"we are in the living room"

"come over here and Jacob for I can show you the pictures of Rachel with the pups"

(looking at pictures of the pups)

"Dr. Tom so they could come home tomorrow around the afternoon"

"that sounds great babe"

"it has been a tiring day for us all, let us get some sleep"

"Goodnight Jacob hopefully the pups will not wake up tonight and you get a good sleep"

"me too. we are not going to get sleep tomorrow"

"yeah, I know with the new pup come home tomorrow"

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