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Ava kisses the top of Helen's head.

"Mommy and Daddy will be back in a couple days," she promises. She stands up and looks Mordred in the eye. "If you need to patrol the castle halls, she likes to go. Don't let her stay up too late."

"Of course," the young knight responds. "She is in safe hands. I promise."

"Thank you."

She kisses her daughter's forehead again. Her and Mordred nod heads before she leaves the house. Ava grabs her sword from Merlin, who is waiting outside the door.

"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Merlin asks.

"Are you?" she counters. He doesn't respond. Neither want to leave their only child behind. "Arthur needs us. Lets get going."

She pushes any feelings down and the couple head towards the castle. Merlin goes to make sure the royals are ready while she goes through all of the last minute details with the knights. Leon, Gwaine, Percival, and Elyan are already there, making sure all the packs are prepped. Ava goes through, checking to make sure the saddles are secured and none were tampered with. Gwaine walks over to Ava.

"Are you sure you're ready to go on the mission?" he asks in a hushed voice. "I don't want you making yourself do more than you should."

"I am not physically hurt so I will be able to handle it."

"No, but you lost your son. And it has to be too early afterwards for you to be fully mentally fine."

"I know what I can handle. Or do you forget I lost all of my parents?"

"Losing a son is worst than losing a parent."

"And how would you know?" He remains silent. "That's what I thought."

Mithian, Gaius, Arthur, Merlin, and Mithian's handmaiden soon come out and mount their steeds. Ava swings herself onto her's along with the others. The traveling party takes off out of Camelot and towards the border of the two kingdoms. Knights stay on all sides in order to ensure no attacks can come to the royals. Ava glances over at Gwaine at one point. He is still angry at what she said. 

She did cross a line when she snapped at him. It is just easier thought to put on a mask than admit how she really is feeling. They ride for a couple hours until Arthur calls out that they should take a break. They are stopped at some old ruins. Everyone dismounts and horses are attended too. Ave walks over to Gwaine.

"I am sorry about earlier," she states.

"No I should be. I over stepped."

"Love how if I try to apologize you turn it around," she jokes.

"One of my many talents," he jokes while bowing.

"It's funny to think after all these years, you still have your sense of humor."

"Have changed at all?"

"Can finally hold your liquor," she jokes.

"Very funny," he laughs. She goes to see Merlin and Gaius taking care of Mithian's handmaiden. Ava goes to her brother.

"I think we need to wait till she gets better," Ava mutters to him. "Last thing we need is to force Mithian away from the last person from her kingdom."

"I agree." He turns to the rest. "Start a fire and prepare to camp for the night."

People rush around to set up a safe camp for everyone. Once the fire is going, Ava goes and lean against the wall. Merlin joins her, the two interlocking their fingers. Her eyes spot something poking out from his shirt.

"I see you are wearing the medallion," she mutters.

"I want to keep something of his at all time."

She pulls out a piece of fabric from the blanket Will use to sleep with.

"I completely understand."

She slides it back into her pocket before cuddling up to him some for warmth and comfort.

"We don't want to see that," Gwaine shouts at them, causing other knights to laugh.

"At least I had to have someone help me out of a bar after drinking a few pints," she shouts at him. The other knights laugh at that.

"Then again, I have seen you two fully making out," he jokes.

"I did not need to know that," Arthur states.

"Neither did I," Gaius adds.

"Who knows how far those two would have gone if I hadn't walked by."

"We were married by then you twat," Ava responds, chucking a stick at him. He dodges and starts fully laughing. Percival pushes him away, causing the dark hair knight to fall over.

"Your knights always seem to be full of energy," Mithian chuckles slightly.

"It's how we relax," Leon informs her, smiling a bit. "If all we focused on was fighting, we would be hurting ourselves more than when joke around with each other." 

The group mess around some as Ava dozes off.

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