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After a few days, Arthur returns with Gwen normal. Merlin informed Ava how Mordred followed them, which explained while he was no where to be seen. Days have passed since then and a routine has been formed once again. Not that anyone is complaining. Rather have days of mundane duties than have another life threatening quest. Merlin grabs Ava's hand and pulls her into a corner.

"May I ask what is going?" she chuckles.

"Like I need a reason to see my wife," he responds pulling her into a kiss. She wraps her arms around his neck.

"I like this."

He smiles before pushing some hair behind her ear. He slips a flower in her curls. He grabs her hips, pulling her closer to him. They hear someone clear their throat and they turn to see Gwaine.

"Every time," she mutters, shaking her head.

"Arthur is looking for you," he tells Merlin. He leaves and the two knights patrol the hallways.

"Not a single moment alone," she jokes.

"Of course not."

They soon see three horses ride along the outside of the citadel. The two knights stroll through the city, smiling at people. Soon hordes of people come in. Many of which are injured. Other knights and guards hurry out in order to maintain some sense of order.

"Those most injured must be taken to Gaius," Ava orders. "Others should be provided what they need. If possible, gather information."

Everyone starts rushing around in order to help. Stretchers start being carried throughout. Ava helps move an injured man on it and her with Gwaine carry him to Gaius'. The physician requests for the red head to stay while the others attend to those outside. The two work in order to keep up with the amount of patients. 

Many of which have not as fatal injuries. A couple of them had to have been given belladonna in order for them to still and comfortable. Once a patient was finished, they were taken out of the house. Finally the last person is carried out and the two sit down. The door opens once again and both look. Merlin and Arthur walk in.

"Morgana attacked their village," the king states. "The thing is, they aren't in Camelot's territories. Actually were with her allies."

"Maybe they had something she wanted," his sister replies. Merlin sits next to her and she leans onto him. 

"If only there was a way to know what she is up to."

"I could go and ask her," Ava jokes.

"Not today," Arthur softly laughs. "Get some rest. I need Merlin a little bit longer than he is all yours."

The dark hair servant kisses the top of her head before following the king out of the home. Ava tells Gaius to send for her before she goes upstairs. Her daughter is playing with a doll in the room.

"Come on baby. Let's go start some dinner."

Helen gets up and grabs her mom's hand. The two head to their home and she strips off the chainmail. Helen sits at the table as Ava cuts off a hunk of bread. She gives it to her daughter with some salted meat they have before making herself some food. While the two eat, Ava tells her stories of various creatures. Helen seems to be enjoying these. Soon the sun is setting and the red head tucks her daughter into bed.

"Read," Helen demands. She chuckles, grabbing the book from the nightstand. She flips to the bookmarked page before reading.

"While these wonderful sights are viewed by Trojan Aeneas, while amazed he hangs there, rapt, with fixed gaze, Queen Dido, of loveliest form, reached the temple, with a great crowd of youths accompanying her. Just as Diana leads her dancing throng on...."

Her voice filled the small home as she read it out. Soon the young child is asleep and Ava blows out the candle. She goes into the main room and switch into something more comfortable to sleep in. She curls up under the blanket and fall into a deep sleep before even Merlin makes it home.

He walks in to see her sound asleep and some food set aside for him. He had went into the woods in order to investigate something he saw earlier. He had found torn paper and had Gaius translated. Morgana did want something from the village. Alator has been captured and she wants the name of Emrys.  Last he saw Alator was when Gaius was kidnapped. He has avoided her this long. 

His mind shifts back to see Ava laying there sound asleep. Right now he needs to rest and not worry her. The two will fight Morgana, whether or not she knows who Emrys is. He gets ready for bed before crawling under the blanket himself. While still asleep, Ava curls up to him more. He smirks and eventually fall asleep himself.

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