Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


Hey, my name is Ariana Grande and yes I'm a famous pop star also in a relationship with the Harry Styles from One Direction.

Fame for me has always been the highlight of my job. Getting hate has never affected me, it's only made me stronger by not being imitated by those who are bully's and can't think of anything else to do but abuse me and others.

My boyfriend Harry doesn't deal with hate too good. When he first started out he was a big time drinker, smoker and a womaniser but when we meet, I made him change his ways not just for himself but for the ones he loves around him and if he ever wanted all the haters to ease off him and his mistakes he would have to try harder to keep himself in a right mind.

Telling him everyday "never give a reason for someone to hate you, give them a reason to like you" he didn't really understand what I meant at first but as time went by he became the unbroken soul that he once was and turn himself round.

Today I'm leaving London to go to boca my old home in America to see everyone for Christmas also bringing the love of my life with me, Harry.

Making our way out of our apartment with the last of our stuff, paps with blinding flashes and deafening screams surround us from every corner, shouting rumours, questions and judgements about Harry, getting irritated and angry I can't help myself but let myself go "don't any of you selfish pricks have any respect and humanity left in you!" I shout clenching my fists and gritting my teeth.

Harry realises that it won't be long till I end up shoving one of the news reporters microphones down their throats and starts pulling me through the crowd of careless people and jump into his black range over "I can't believe them, still talking about you and Katie that happened before we even got together!" Still rambling on trying to release any negative energy out of my system.

Huffing, sitting back into the leaver, black chairs I turn to look at the mop of curls sitting beside me, he raises his eyebrows "cool yet" he asks making me laugh lightly "yeah they just don't know when to stop, do they?" adverting the question to him "it's their nature I guess" we both laugh while he's pulling out of the parking lot and getting onto the highway, finally I get to see my family and friends with my Harry.


Monday, the most hated day of the week. It's also another day for me to get judge and bullied.

The reason I get bullied is because I look like this celebrity called Ariana Grande but I don't try to look like her, I'm trying to be me but anything I do resembles off her.

Jumping out of bed, I start doing my morning routine containing a shower, brushing hair and teeth, finding something to wear that hasn't been worn by Ariana yet, then finally just simple makeup to complete the look.

Grabbing any papers I need to give in off my desk and throwing them in my cream hand bag.

Skipping down the stairs I quickly say goodbye to my dog boo while grabbing myself a banana off the side and lock up the house.

Breathing in the harsh, cold winter air, I sigh knowing that it won't be easy this week but only 4 and half days left of school till were off for Christmas that I will spend on my own with my dog boo.

I don't really know where my parents are at the moment as they're news reporters and have to be away like all the time. spending alone time has always accompanied me more then people do.

Running to the bus stop I see a familiar face that I'm not very happy to see in the morning "hey abiana!" Vicky yells, not retaliating back I carry on walking past her and her friends that give me nasty glares.

Sitting myself down I relax a little.
There's so much tension in me, all I need to do is get in school, grab my music room key and go relax in there.

Being the last one to get on the bus, I have to sit next to a boy that I've never seen before "hey, we haven't meet before, I'm abbie" I reach my hand out to shake hands which he gladly takes the gesture "hi, my names Stephen and yeah just moved here" he says with a warming smile "oh my god the new kid shacked Ariana grandes hand!" Debbie shouts making everyone laugh and clap.

A old lady gets off and there's a spare seat. walking over to it, someone grabs my arm "where you going?" I look at Stephen with a questioning look "because you won't want to know me after you hear about me" I look down, ashamed that I can't have any friends without them getting bullied because there friends with me "abbie, what's not to like?" I'm surprised, normally after one remark they leave with no intention to know me.

Stephen is such a lovely lad. He's polite and joyful to be around, I don't think I've been this happy in a while but it won't last long like all the others.

The bus comes to a stop at the schools front entrance causing everyone to rise from their seats.

Walking in with Stephen was nice but I got twice the stares "hey why is everyone looking at us?" Stephen asks "because your with me, Stephen you should go find new friends, I'm not worth the hassle" I say almost letting my guard down with the tears in my eyes "hey don't get upset, whatever is happening here I will help you, no one deserves to be alone even the worst of people" he says holding my shoulders then embracing me into a tight hug "thank you Stephen, it seems like your the only one who cares" I say silently crying on his white jumper.

Looking up, I feel at peace in his arms "I'm not the sort of person to not care abbie" he says looking deep into my brown eyes "come with me please" I say making him laugh lightly but grabs my hand and leads us deeper into the halls "show me the way" he says role playing "yes sir I shall" we start laughing and I know deep down that I shouldn't bottled things up in me and be happy because no one else can make me, just me.

New book Yayaya, I'm really liking where this is going tbh but come on let's get some votes&comments my piglets🌸🌸

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