Chapter Twelve.

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(Dedicated to cmullerwrites)


He had me pinned to the bed with just the weight of his big, hard body and was slowly grinding his hips against mine. Languidly. Making me feel every inch, every slide.

"Tell me you don't like this. Tell me this isn't something you enjoy. Huh?" he demanded to know, his hands trailing paths of fire across my skin. "Come on, you little minx. Tell me you hate my attitude now," Jasper growled before crushing my mouth with his.

With a gasp, I opened my eyes and lay there stiffly, my heart pounding like crazy and my pussy feeling all tight and throbbing. Holy fuck.

I had been dreaming about Jasper Wells handling me in his arrogant, possessive manner and it had turned me on. Shit. My nipples tightened as the unbidden image of him dripping wet in a towel every time he got out of the shower flooded my brain.

I let out a groan. "What is wrong with me?" I grumbled, dragging the sheets over my body and closing my eyes again. We had gotten back from the dinner only a couple of hours ago and all throughout the drive, my body had been way too aware of the man I was not supposed to be thinking about.

Cole better get over his inhibitions and have sex with me soon because this was getting too ridiculous. I spent more time around Jasper than I did with my own boyfriend and I was sure it was just the proximity and sexual frustration getting to me. I just needed to get laid, that's all.



A loud crash startled me from my nap and I jerked awake trying to get my bearings. Someone let out a shocked sound close by, confusing me further. With a muttered curse, I stumbled out of my bedroom and in the direction of the noise which seemed to be coming from our home office.

"Skye?" I called out because it definitely sounded like a female.

"Signor Cole," said the voice apologetically and I finally realised it belonged to Adalina, our maid who came in once a week, every Saturday, to give our place a general cleaning. "Mi dispiace. I'm sorry," she kept saying and to my horror, I discovered she was inside Jasper's dark room, bent over some equipment and files which were strewn over the floor.

"Christ, Adalina, what are you doing?" I hissed out clutching my hair because for a moment I had no idea how to process this.

I had started work at six in the morning after returning from the club around midnight following our dinner. Then today, I had worked for almost eight hours straight at my new job. Coming home had felt like heaven and all I could see in front of me was my bed. This was the last thing I had expected to deal with. Jasper hated it when anybody went inside this room or messed up his stuff and that included me. I had learned that lesson the hard way a couple of times before deciding it was not worth it getting this room organised.

"Adalina, you know you're not supposed to come in here," I reminded her in an exasperated tone.

She sniffled as she tried to gather the stuff that had fallen. "Sorry, Signor Cole. The door was unlocked and this room was so messy!" she cried. "I thought to help. Per favore non essere arrabbiato con me."

I felt bad for her. She sounded genuinely terrified as if she might get fired or something. Kneeling down, I put a hand on her shoulder and assured her that I was not angry with her. She was a woman in her forties who mostly minded her own business, was good at her job and had simply made a mistake like all humans do.

"I'll take care of this, Adalina, va tutto bene. Just...go do the other rooms please."

She worried her lips with her teeth and I motioned for her to go. "You're only messing it up more. I'll see if I can just put it all back the way he likes it. Please don't ever come in here again."

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