Chapter Forty.

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Sometime during the night, my phone buzzed with a text and I stirred, knowing who it was before I even peered at the screen.

But I was stunned when I saw the message was not from my apologetic boyfriend but Jasper the Asshole.

- Sorry I'm the reason you didn't get some tonight.

I rolled my eyes at his pathetic excuse of an apology and rubbed them, yawning hugely before sitting up in bed.

- You're the reason none of us have been getting any, I replied even as I tried to calm my accelerating pulse rate.

Jasper Wells had not texted or called my number since the day I had left him. I was the one who had made a couple of necessary calls to him when I had been at work just to check on some things. Both times he had been curt and had abruptly ended the phone call before I could finish saying goodbye.

And now he wanted to text?

-Mmm. Not my fault. I'm not a cockblocker. It's all on Cole. You guys can fuck like bunnies 24/7 for all I care. - Jasper the Asshole.

I sighed when I realised that he really did not get it. He really did not see why Cole would hold himself back from fucking me because Jasper wouldn't if he was in Cole's place.

I frowned at the screen, thinking deeply. It wasn't Cole Jasper had a problem with. Cole would never hurt him or leave him. The light of triumph I had witnessed in Jasper's eyes when Cole would not side with me this evening told me that Jasper was aware of it now. He had Cole's unwavering loyalty, no matter what.

For some reason, I didn't feel jealous about that. He wasn't mad at Cole. He was mad at me. He had shut himself off from everything that brought him joy, including sex, because of what I had done.

My fingers hovered over the keypad and I made myself type and send the message.

-I'm really sorry I hurt you. I thought I was doing the right thing.

He didn't reply for several long minutes. I grabbed a bottle of water from my nightstand and gulped some down as I waited. Just when I started to think he wouldn't bother, his text came through.

-I tried that thing you wanted me to with your panties. I think it's working. Want to come and watch?

My jaw dropped open even as a burst of desire ravaged through me.

-Why don't you come to me instead? I texted boldly, puffing out my cheeks. Shit. Why was this so exciting? I knew he was just teasing me but still.

-Unlock your door, he texted back.

I sucked in a quick breath, glancing at the door in the dark and smirked a little at the thought that he had tried to open it but hadn't been able to. Jasper had this weird thing about creeping in my doorway when I least expected it. Served him right.

-Why? You don't have a spare key? You're supposed to be my landlord,' I teased.

-I do have one. But it would be better for you if you opened up instead...

Then he followed that text with another one.

-You're behind on rent this month, little girl. If you don't want me to kick you out, you need to let me in.

My mouth went dry a little. Damn, Jasper. He was back to his kinky ways now and fucked if it didn't excite the hell out of me.

-But...but I don't have anything to give you...Mr. Wells. I texted, totally getting into the role now.

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