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Arlo Unfiltered

ARLO STOOD OUTSIDE the boy's locker room as Samuel and Nano spoke. She wanted to make sure Guzmán wouldn't go in charging to punch the crap out of the latter. She leaned her head back on the wall, thinking about what had just happened and how angry Guzmán was. In all honestly, she didn't blame him.

Her phone started buzzing and she looked down to see Ander calling her. She rolled her eyes and locked her phone.

After a few minutes, the two brothers walked out, Samuel looking more than annoyed and Nano looking slightly defeated. Samuel looked at her. "Lo, can you walk him out while I go try and salvage what happened? Acuzena is probably waiting for me. Make sure he leaves campus."

"Of course, yeah." Arlo nodded as Samuel glared at his brother one last time and walked away. "Alright, come on, this way."

"I know where the exit is." Nano grumbled matter-of-factly. "I don't need a babysitter."

The girl raised her eyebrows. "And yet, your baby brother seems to think otherwise."

Nano shook his head. "Whatever."

"Come on."

The walked in silence down the hallway and Nano looked at her. "You're weirdly quiet."

"You don't even know me." Arlo said.

"I know you well enough to know you like to talk."

"And what exactly are you expecting me to say?"

"Why are you helping me?" Nano asked with a frown.

Arlo licked her lips. "Because you didn't kill Marina and she loved you. It also means whoever killed her is still out there and not getting the punishment they deserve."

"Yet you still believed me over your friends?"

"They're not really my friends. They haven't been for years."

"Some advice, watch your back. Marina thought these guys were harmless. Look where that got her."

Arlo grit her teeth as they walked out the building and towards the red car that she had seen Marina in many months ago. "I'm not Marina."

"No, you're not." The young man noted as he unlocked his car. "Do me a favour and take care of Samu. He seems to think he's fucking invincible now."

"Yeah, of course." Arlo assured.

Nano then nodded at her then climbed into his car. Arlo watched as he drove around the roundabout and off school property.

She then walked back into the classroom to see everyone looking at her and she narrowed her eyes. "What?"

"Where were you?" Acuzena questioned.

"Toilet." Arlo responded with a half-smile. She then met Samuel's gaze and she nodded, letting him know Nano was officially off campus.

"I find that hard to believe." Lu scoffed.

Arlo raised an eyebrow. "That I was peeing? It's a natural bodily function. It's normal. Well, it is for us humans, anyway."

"Shouldn't there be a restraining order against him or something?" Cayetana wondered as Lu glared at Arlo and Ander shot his best friend a look of concern. He had no idea what had gotten into her.

"God!" Rebeca groaned. "He just came here to tell you a few home truths. You need to hear them every now and then. He didn't slash anyone up."

"The thugs look out for one another. Why not give him a slap on the back?" Lu remarked.

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