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The Last Night

ACUZENA OPENED THE door and let Arlo inside. The girl flashed a smile at the woman and the two engaged in small talk before she ran up the stairs and knocked on Ander's door. The girl had drove to Ander's house in the evening after not hearing from the boy all day and she was worried.

"Polo, I told you I'd talk to you later!" Ander yelled angrily.

Arlo's eyebrows pinched together before she popped her head in his room. "Not Polo."

Ander sat up and cleared his throat. "Lo? Hey. What...what are you doing here?"

"You were sick all day." Arlo said as she sat down on the foot of his bed. "Just wanted to drop by and see if you were okay and I guess, see how sick you were in case you wanted to hang out at my place with the two gremlins. I'm not going to the benefit tonight and since you're sick, I didn't think you were, so I thought you might want some company."

"Thanks, Lo." Ander smiled. "I'm fine. Just kind of nauseous, so it's best if I stay home tonight and get some sleep. I might throw up. Could be a fucking disaster."

Arlo nodded with a chortle. "You sure?"

Ander's smile grew. "Yes, Lo."

"Do you want anything? Water? Juice? Do you need some panado–"

"Arlo!" The boy interrupted with a chuckle. "I'm fine. It's okay. Go home. I'll see you at school tomorrow."

Arlo sighed then went over to him and kissed his head, tucking him in. "Okay. Call me if you need anything. Love you."

"Love you too."

The girl left his room, bid goodbye to Ander's mom and Omar before she left and drove back to her house. As she pulled up into her driveway, she realised she was running quite low on gas. She sighed, mentally noting she'd have to fill it up soon, but she had no energy of doing it now.

Arlo then walked up to her house and noticed she was still in her uniform, but a part of her was too lazy to change out of it. She walked into her house to see Izzy and Diego sitting on the couch waiting for her.

"So is Ander okay?" Izzy questioned.

"Yeah, he's fine." Arlo replied as she plopped down between them. "Just feeling slightly queasy."

"Really? Did he see a photo of Lu and Guzmán?" Izzy retorted.

"Hey." Arlo scolded, poking her sister. "Not nice."

Izzy laughed. "Fine, fine, I'm sorry."

Arlo rolled her eyes playfully. "So, what we watching for movie night?"

"Not Jurassic Park or World, I hope." Izzy murmured.

"Aw." Diego complained. "Why not?"

"Because we've seen that over a thousand of times."

"That's because it's good!"

"Alright, you two," Arlo intervened. "How about we ask Alma? Alma!"

Alma entered the living room from the kitchen. "What's up, honey?"

"What movie do you wanna watch for movie night?"

"How about Up? That Pixar movie?" Alma suggested. "My favourite. Diego hasn't seen it yet."

"I'm good with that." Arlo beamed before she looked down at her siblings. "What about you guys?"

"Emotions." Izzy grimaced. "But fine. It always makes Arlo cry."

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