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7:30 am  
    i open my eyes to the sound of my alarm going off. it's another boring day of going to school to learn about a random man in the sky. i only go because my parents force me to, i don't even think i believe in any of that anymore.
    i don't have to waste time picking an outfit, because we have uniforms. so after i throw it on i brush my hair, maybe throw on some mascara to look presentable. i'll also just throw on a choker to keep my edgy style. then i go downstairs and get breakfast, usually just toast. as i scroll through instagram my mom yells at me to put on my shoes and leave.
"alright everyone in your seats! you have a test to take." the teacher yelled over everyone. "great..." i thought. "time to cheat on another test to help get me through this shitty school."
the rest of the school day was boring, just some more work and whatever. but now, it's finally time to go home. i jump in my car and start blasting my favorite playlist.
when i got home my mom greeted me with a "got any homework?" i replied yes. "then you should probably get started." she demanded. i rolled my eyes and walked off to my room. i dropped my bag on the floor and flopped on my bed, staring at the ceiling. "i wish my life wasn't so boring." i thought. i drift off for a nap because im so drained.

a/n hi guys sorry it's short im still getting back into writing. see ya in the next chapter !!

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