who are you?

5 0 0

Once we started to walk, I felt some pain coming from my leg I must have cut myself jumping out of the window shit, I hiss and grab my leg almost falling to the floor until someone put their hand around my waist.

Jungkook: Hey, are you okay?

Y/N: I'm fine just a little cut we should get going the sun is going down a lot faster than I thought. 

 We started to walk but with every step, I took the pain just got worse I wanted to die from how much it hurt, I kept walking but after a while, the pain was becoming a little too much to handle but I couldn't look weak in front of this group of boys who knows what they could do to me, I just have to deal with it when we get to a safe place I would check it out see how bad it is, After a few more minutes we finally reached a tall building it didn't look like anything got inside it look's safe but you can never be too sure 

Y/N: Okay stay here when I go inside and make sure it's safe

Tae: Don't you think we should check it out, you know since we guys and all.

Y/N: What you don't think I can clear it out myself just because I'm a girl. 

Jimin: It's not that we just don't feel like you should go inside alone it's not safe for you or anyone. 

Y/N: Fine then I take you and the Jung- whatever his name is guy.

Jungkook: It's Jungkook and are you sure three people are enough.

Y/N: We can't all go in there what if something happens inside and we need help to get out, if we all go, we're all going get stuck and most likely end up being ripe apart by those things.

Suga: She has a point you three go the rest of us would stay here just in case you need help. 

Y/N: Okay so we all know the plan right if something happens inside yell out for help, and the group outside would give us backup, if there's too many of them then just run don't try to fight them off got it.

Jimin & Jungkook: Got it. 

Y/N: Okay let's go.

Jimin: Wait before we go inside, I have a question.

Y/N: What is it hurry up.

Jimin: What is your name? I mean we can't clear a building without knowing your name what if we need to find you or your help, we can't just keep calling you girl.

Jungkook: He has a point. 

Y/N: Okay fine my name is Y/N

Tae: You're not Korean so where are you from?

Y/N: Can we maybe do this later when we cleared the building and are safe inside

I kicked on the door a couple of times and waited to see if any undead was inside, but nothing came which mean the first floor was clear, I looked back at Jimin and Jungkook to make sure they were ready they node their heads that they were ready, I opened the door slowly making sure not to make any more noise then I already did 

Jimin: Where should we start clearing first 

Y/N: Let's make sure the lobby is clear first then we make our way up to the other floors

Jungkook: Okay I think we should spread out it would save some time. 

Y/N: Good idea Jimin you check the front desk area, Jungkook you check all the rooms on this floor, and I would check the office, Okay?

Jimin & Jungkook: Okay

We all left to start looking around I made my way to the office I didn't see anything it was really quiet I won't say I was scared, but I just didn't like the feeling of it being quiet and me walking around alone 

Y/N: let's get these rooms clear fast I don't like the feeling in this place 

Jimin POV

The front desk area wasn't that much too clear since it was small the only thing, I found was a couple of room keys and a few bottles of water.

Jimin: I should go in to see if Jungkook needs any help clearing his part. 

Jungkook POV

I had three more rooms left to clear all the other rooms were already empty I want to open one of the room doors when something bangs on the door from the inside, I knew at this point there was something inside there, I just hope it wasn't more than one.  

Jungkook: Okay let's see how this is going to turn out, I Need something to open the door it seems to be locked. 

 I looked around and saw a pole that was laying on the floor, I took the pole and started to bang on the door knob the banging from the inside of the door started to get louder as if there was more than one inside. 

Jungkook: Well, that answer my question there's more than one inside now I just need to find a way to kill them without getting bitten. 

I opened the door but only a little crack for the first walker to come out, once he was out, I killed him I kept doing that with a few of them until the last two started to push out the door at once and pushed through the door.

 Jungkook:  SHIT!!!

I started to run but one of them grabbed my leg making me fall to the ground I try to kick the walker off my leg before the other walker made it over to us, but it was too late for that, the other walker started to also come my way and try to take a bite out of me, I thought this was it that I was going die right here.

Jungkook: I don't think am going make it out of this one, Am sorry everyone.

I closed my eyes and lay there waiting to get eaten alive waiting for my death tears coming down my face ready to feel the pain ready to say goodbye to this world, But I didn't feel anything no pain I didn't even hear the walkers anymore that's when I opened my eyes only to see Jimin standing over me with a bloody bat and his hands.

Jimin: I would have forgiven you, but I wouldn't have been able to forgive myself for letting you die like this

Jungkook: Thank you Jimin I thought I was gone for a second there 

Jimin: There's no need to thank me, Let's go and find Y/N so we could get the rest 

Jungkook: Yea that's a good idea


I was looking everywhere in the office making sure that no walkers were hiding anywhere I didn't find anything, Sometimes I like to try to remember how all these places use to look before all of this. How all the people that work here were happy some not in the mood to be at work but still love what they do.  I was looking around until I heard a loud bang coming from behind the door.

Y/N: Hello is anyone there? I don't want to hurt you I could help you I'm with a group you could come with us. Hello?

There was no answer I slowly walked to the door handle place my hand on the handle and started to slowly open the door.  Not to let anything that's not human out. As soon as the door was open enough for me to look inside, I peeked my head in the door and saw nothing there.

Y/N: I heard something knock on the door, there got to be someone in here.

I walked deeper into the room but was very slow in careful.  I stood in the middle of the room looking around, but I saw nothing, so I started to turn around something grabbed me by my arm, I quickly turn around to see a walker trying to bite me.

Y/N: SHIT!!!  Get off of me. 

Shit, I left my weapon in the other room, I got to find something that I could use to kill this fucker. I fell to the floor with the walker on top of me still trying to bite me I used my arm to block it from coming closer. I saw a meatal award on the floor next to me I try to reach it without letting my arm move.

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