{Tiempo de fiesta!}

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Feeling somebody's arms around my waist I wake up in a bit of a panic. Realizing it's just Elliott i calm down, I must've woken up Elliott because he asks with a  croaky voice "You okay Tavi?" still with his arms around me. "Yeah I just had a night terror is all- " I roll over hugging him. Breathing in his scent makes me hug him tighter. He places his head on mine. "I wanna stay here the whole day with you, but sadly I have things to do-" He says while yawning. As he pulls away from me I feel a draft of cold air waft through the blankets. Shivering a bit I get up as well, Elliott is looking at his phone on the edge of the bed. "I'm gonna host a party at my bar for the new season around 3 and invite the legends, even the new girl is coming. You're welcome to come or er- You're invited since you are a legend after all. " He says while turning to me. "Ill be there, cant wait to look through the clothes you got me! And ooh- My new phone! So much to do!" I say while kicking the covers off. Elliott leans back putting his hands behind his head and closing his eyes. "I'm going to take a shower-" I say to him while grabbing my bionic legs off the edge of the bed, putting them on. He opens his eyes then thinks about something, spitting it out he says "M-Mind if I join ya?" he says while looking off into the corner. "I don't mind just- I'm gonna actually shower, no funny business." I say while eyeing him to which his face breaks out in a red blush. Heh- I get up then look at my own phone I had just gotten. Its already 1:46 in the afternoon damn I slept like a rock. "Phone, oh- how I've missed you!" I say to myself while looking through it. Elliott laughs at this and I smile at him. "I'm getting my clothes I suggest you do the same" I tell him then walking out the door I go into the kitchen looking through the bags. A lot of the clothes are- Revealing... Like all of them are like short shorts or- My face burns up a bit at what I see. Its a j-jockstrap, I quickly put it at the bottom of the bag. After looking through the bags a bit I end up choosing some sweat pants and a tank top. Taking the clothes and putting them in the bathroom I look at myself in the mirror. Pulling up my tank top I look at my scare that was given to me about a week ago now. I feel it, its healing a bit but its still bumpy. Looking over at the hickeys from the day before they they are bit faded. Elliott walks into the the bathroom with his clothes in his hands. Looking at me his face turns a bit red. "R-Ready?" He says while putting his clothes next to mine. "Yeah-" I reply to him stepping past him and closing the door. I turn back around and take off my shirt putting it on the floor. Then removing my boxers I feel Elliott's stare at me burning through my back. "D-Don't just stare.." I say with an embarrassed tone. He shoots his head away then starts removing his clothes. I go ahead and start the shower putting it to the second hottest setting-  Stepping in I feel water stream through my hair. Soon Elliott tries getting in but shrieks and quickly moves back when he feels the water. Snickering at him I turn the water down. "I turned it down- " I tell him to which he slowly steps back then he uses his hand to feel the water. After all that he walks in the shower, the shower is big enough to where two people can stand under the shower head. He's really red its not the water. After a while of just silence and me washing myself I couldn't take it anymore.  " You want me to wash your back?" I ask him. He stutters then replies "Y-Yeah." I grab the soap then squirt some into his lufa. Rubbing it around the lufa I take it and start cleaning his upper-back. "That good?" I ask him while moving to his lower back. "U-Uh Y-Yeah" He is now stuttering even more. I knew he had a speech problem but I didn't know it was this bad. Looking around him I realize hes rock hard- "Heheh your a bit of a horny fuck aren't you? Well don't worry we'll do something tonight Elli~ " I say into his ear while putting my hand on his hip. I stand on my tip toes and lean over his shoulder, turning his head I kiss him then turn around. "I'm gonna get out, you coming?" I ask while opening the sliding shower door. He looks at my butt for a second then replies "I-I'm getting out too " I raise an eyebrow at him. "Did you just wanna see me naked? You didn't really shower- " I say to him while grabbing a towel and drying myself. He looks away while getting out. "M-Maybe" He says then grabbing his towel and drying himself. I laugh to myself then grab my clothes putting them on. Elliott says "You look good~" to me while putting his clothes on. I smile at him then reply "Bet you think i'd look good in that jockstrap too." He somehow turns a deeper shade of red as he makes an embarrassed face. I snicker once more at him then say "Its okay I love all the clothes you got me, at least I have something to wear now other than your- rabbit clothes." He puts his hand behind his back "I thought you'd like the rabbits." He says with a sad expression. I step up to him and kiss his cheek. "I loved them, I'm going to go get ready for the party." I say while turning around and opening the bathroom door. The steam rolls out behind me as I walk into the kitchen looking for food. I open his fridge to find its kinda empty- "Elii! You think we could go out and get some stuff at the store after the party?" I yell into the hallway. He answers me in the living room. "I'm right here you don't have to yell-" then sneaking up on me and wrapping his arms around my waist. Suddenly I start to have a panic attack and without thinking I elbow Elliott in the gut. He stumbles back and then holds his stomach. "I-I Oh gossh Elli! I'm so sorry I-I don't know what came over me! Your not hurt are you?" I apologize to him covering my mouth. He says with a strained voice "I p-probably deserved it- Don't worry about it I scared you so its my fault." He uno reverses the apology back to me. What was that feeling..!? I've never felt it before not even when I was about to blow my legs off. Damn.. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Elliott asks me something "You alright there bud? You seem a little lost. " He then puts his hand on my shoulder. "Ill tell you later okay Elli?" I ask him while looking away. He could tell something is wrong by my expression but nods with an understanding look. I smile at him then lean in I kiss him on his lips feeling the prickly pokes that is his beard. His hand reaches for my face while he leans more into the kiss. I pull away from the  trickster  who had an unforgettable grin plastered on his face. I really like him.. "I'm gonna go get ready for real now. Buh-bye" I Say to him while down the hall. Walking into his room I grab my dirty clothes that I left yesterday. His magazines haven't been touched since I got with him guess i'm that great huh. I smile to myself as I walk from his room to mine putting the clothes on the floor in the corner. Looking at my desk I realize I left my knife in here. I should take this with me in case- .....  He shows up .   I start to feel my heart beating faster when I think about it. I shake my head then grab the knife putting it in my pockets. Walking back out to the kitchen I look through the bags Elliott had given me. Taking out socks then putting them on I grab my shoes and put them on as well. Elliott walks out of his room with his keys in his hand. "Ready to go?" He asks while setting the security system on a alarm pad. "Yeah can't wait to meet this Loba person." I reply to him walking out the door. He opens the car door for me. "You don't have to do this every time ya know- " I say to him as I get  in. "I want to " He replies closing the door. Walking around the car he opens the car door then getting in he starts the car. "What do you think her abilities are?" I ask him as he drives away to his bar. He thinks for a moment then replies "I heard she could teleport with her bracelet kind of like Wraith but like not." He says while turning. "She's pretty foxy- Not that i'm not happy with my bunny~" He says as he tries to sound seductive. I roll my eyes, this Loba person.. After driving for a while we reach the place. You can see inside that Natalie and Alexander are chatting at the bar. Elliott parks in the back lot for the manager then unbuckles his seat-belt. "Ready? " He asks while looking at me. "Yeah-" I reply kissing his cheek then unbuckling my seat-belt and opening the car door. Getting out I start to feel the weight of wearing shorts on a cold day. "S-So cold..: I say with my arms together and shivering a bit. Elliott gets out then closes his door and walks over to me. "Wait till we get in, I got a new a/c system and it works wonders. " He says while walking me to the door and opening it. Walking inside I see Loba chatting with Wraith. Once Elliott walks in she eyes him. I think he sees her too cause he moves a bit closer to me. Ayjay greets us "Welcome m'a friends! You too Silva-" She says while elbowing me. While Elliott and Ayjay chat it up I walk over to the bartender. I pull out my wallet then say "I just want a bottle of scotch please" Handing the bartender my card he smiles. "Ill be right back with your drink." He says while walking off. Natalie leans over to me "Having a rough night?" She asks cheekily. I nod while saying "No just wanna get drunk . "  She returns to talking to Alexander when Elliott shows up. "Heya- Whatcha doing here?" He says while sitting down. The bartender returns with the drink and I give him my card and ID. Soon he gives me my things back and the drink. "Just getting drinks" I reply to him. He looks off over at the new legend "I-I think that girl doesn't like me- She keeps staring at me.." He opens my scotch and drinks some. "Maybe she gotts da hotts for ya. " I joke at him. He doesn't seem too amused. "You know i'm not gonna leave you- Not even for some dummy thicc girl. Besides your way better than her~" He says while getting closer. "P-Please there are people here-" I push him back while a grin creeps up my face. He makes a sad face then quickly pecks me. He blushes little bit while smiling. I hold his hand and continue talking "You're good looking yourself ya know~" His face gets red as he looks off. Suddenly the new legend walks up to us. "Welcome to the games!" Elliott greets her hesitantly. She sways her his then speaks "Let me guess hot guy dumb mind." He feels taken aback "I-I'm not dumb!"   After a while of them bickering I feel the urge to go to the bathroom. So I tug Elliott's arm to get his attention. "Whats up?" He asks. "I'm going to go use the restroom Ill be right back." I reply to him which he nods. I get up from the chair and walk through the bar then up to the bathroom door.  Opening it there is nobody inside, I walk in and over to a urinal. While using the urinal somebody walks in and stands behind me. Then they ask me "Hey Octane, big fan- Can I ask you something?" The deep voice spoke as I feel them brush up behind me. "I'm taking a piss dude fuck off-" I snag at them to realize its him. My heart sank as I heard his voice. I quickly fix my shorts then turn around. He pushes me back an onto the wall slamming my head into it. As he holds it there he licks my neck and grinds on my stomach. "HeHeh He- My pretty~" I try and push him off me but it doesn't work. M-My head is bleeding as indicated from a line of blood dripping down my face. As a last ditch effort I grab my knife and spin it open. Stabbing his arm I am let go of his grasp. Dropping to my knees he kicks my face giving me a bloody nose. "Ouh shit!" I yell out. I grab his legs and pull him down standing on top of him. The man pulls my hair and drags me up. "Kiss me~" He says while crouching down to me. I couldn't take it anymore and start crying. "Don't be like that you're not pretty when you cry~" He says while holding my jaw and smiling. In that moment Elliott walks in "Hey I know your probably taking a shit but the legends are partied ou-" He freezes for a moment then makes a furious face. "Who the fuck are you?! Don't fucking touch him!" He yells loud enough to attract attention from the male legends. Elliott punches the guy in the shoulder soon Tae and Alexander walk in. "Everything alright in here?" Tae asks while peering around the corner widening his eyes at the man. Elliott pulls the man off me and throws him into the stall. "State your business buddy.." Elliott angrily interrogates him. Then Tae walks over "Your the L-Star guy on tv-" He says while standing over the man. Alex and Tae start investigating him while Elliott walks over to me. " Are you okay..?" He takes me to the side. "Not really- I just got beaten up so.." I say to him while feeling my beat up face. "At least we got him. I-Im really sorry I wasn't there.." He says with a stutter at the end. I smile then hold his hand. "I think I wanna go home Elli, maybe spend some time together..?" I ask him while rubbing his hand with my thumb. "Yeah- Yeah we can go." He responds while holding my hand. I let go of his grasp to wash my face. Looking in the mirror I see all the blood. I take a paper towel and get it wet cleaning myself up. After i'm done Elliott leads me out of the bathroom and to a group containing Ayjay, Natalie, Loba, and Anita. I avoid eye contact while I walk to grab my drink because I feel everyone's stares on me . Elliott explains what happened to Ayjay and that we were heading out. She understands and wishes him a farewell as he come back to me. "Ready to go?" He asks. "Yeah.." I say while grabbing his hand. He leads me to the car and opens my door for me. I don't say anything and get in. Soon he's inside starting the car. I look out the window and feel my face. Everything hurts..  "H-How bout we watch a movie?" He asks while driving away. I reply "I think I wanna shower before we do- " He understands and tells me "Of course I-I understand." I return my gaze outside for the rest of the car ride drinking intermittently out of my scotch . Once we arrive I quickly get out shutting the door behind me. I wait by teh car being overly buzzed. "lets go babyyy-" I say while locking my arms with him as he walks up the driveway. Opening the door we walk inside, I start stumbling around when Elliott stops me. "Hello ere"I say to him. He chuckles and takes the scotch away from me "You can have this back later- go take a shower buddy." I get annoyed squinting my eyes at him while walking to the bags. Looking through the bags I find the jockstrap that he bought me. I'll put this on for later~ Then I grab light blue jeans with a tank top and walk into the bathroom closing the door behind me. I remove my clothes and look at the bruises on my body.. Some are darker than others and hurt more as well. I sigh while opening the sliding bathroom door getting in and turning on the water. After a shower my body starts to feel a little bit better. I get out and dry myself still slightly in pain. I grab the jockstrap and put it on, it really- Pronounces my ass. Great now i'm gonna feel the cold jean buttons on my bare butt.. I put on the jeans as well as the tank-top and walk out of the bathroom putting the dirty clothes in my room. Walking out into the living room i'm greeted by Elliott looking through movies again. "Heya bud you sober now? " he asks while still looking through his movies. "Yeah" I reply while sitting down next to him looking through the movies some myself. "I made ya a cocktail with your scotch it even has a cherry. When you want it you can grab it out of the fridge." he responds to me while opening a movie case and popping it into the disk player. He puts the movies away then gets up, helping me get up as well. "I didn't know what you'd like so I picked an action movie- " He says while sitting on the couch. I join him, sitting next to him then he puts his arm around me. "Hey- Can we talk real quick?" I say while holding his hand that is around me. He pauses the movie and turns to me "Whats up?" He asks with a worried expression. I look away then back to him and into his eyes. "I.. The reason I hurt you this morning is because- I-It felt like I was getting attacked again.. It happened earlier too when we woke up. I-I don't know why this is happening to me. " I speak to him while looking at his hand the whole time. He hugs me and tells me "Its okay Tavi you're just a bit scared is all. You don't have to worry he's gone now and you have me. " He lifts my chin up then kisses my forehead. Him doing this sends a mad blush across my face. "You're cute when you blush-" He says while looking at me and smiling. "You're handsome when your dumb~" I joke with him to which he gets flustered. He leans in for a kiss and I do the same. Our lips meet as he puts his hand up my shirt. We pull away from each other both red as a tomato. "Do ya wanna move to your bed?" I ask him while wrapping my arms around his neck. He grins and says "I wouldn't mind that" He replies while smiling. I get up and walk through the kitchen and then into his room sitting in the bed. He walks in with a grin then moves onto the bed giving me a hickey on my neck. I let a small moan sip out of me, hes hitting my soft spot so I couldn't help it. "Take off your shirt~" He tells me while kissing my neck. I do so and remove my shirt turning towards him. He freezes for a moment at the reveal of the bruises left on me. "G-God, Tavi a-are you sure your alright?" He asks with worry in his voice. I look into his eyes and reply to him. "I'm okay- trust me amigo. Lets continue?" He nods and I lean in and while grinning I start kissing his chest. I push him back onto the bed and start moving down. I pull down his pants rubbing his bulge his eyes are looking into mine not breaking contact. Pulling down his boxers reveals his dick standing straight up. I hold his shaft in my hands rubbing it up and down. Elliott's breathing becomes a bit labored as I put it in my mouth. It tastes musty and salty but I love it. I start moving my head sucking him off. His eyes close as he runs his fingers through my hair, pushing my head down a little more when I move. I stop for a moment to talk to him. Still jerking him off I ask "Happy your coherent this time?" I smile at him to which he opens his eyes. "Y-Yeah really happy." He says out of breath. I get up and unbutton my jeans and pulling them down to reveal my jockstrap. Elliott is left staring "Heheh ya like it?" I snicker at his expression . Then climbing back on the bed I start kissing him. "L-Lets hold for a moment" He says while taking off his pants then grabbing a condom frantically. He struggles for a moment then opens it putting it on. Turning to me he climbs back kissing my stomach. Then flipping me over he starts rimming me. The feel of his tongue inside me is almost heavenly. "S-Shit Elli-" I mutter out with my head on his pillow. He pulls away then says "How was that for my first time?" while putting his dick at my entrance. "G-Good really good" he asks "Ready?" I reply with a nod then feeling him tease me. "Cmon Elli I dont like waiting" I say with a lustful tone in my voice as I bury my head in a pillow infront of me. He snickers then says "Alright~" as he says that I feel something slitting me open. He thrusts inside me holding it there for a second. He starts moving slowly then picks up his pace. I groan insight of his progression trying to move my hips along with his movement. Every second is filled with pleasure as he rams around my G-spot. Without miss he hits my G-spot as I let our a rightful moan. Elliott snickers at my pleasure "H-Heh looks like you really enjoy this~" He says while slipping his hands into the strap of my Jockstrap. "I-I should say the same a-amigo" I turn my head to him and smile. His face starts to change as he goes faster. I-I think hes about to- Before I finish my thought he rams into me one last time leaning forward and kissing me. Out of breath he pulls out and takes off the condom tieing it he puts it in the trash. I lay back onto the pillows then Elliott joins me. "Y-You're so fuckin h-hot" He says while smiling and kissing my cheek. "Do you mind if we switch roles next time?" I ask him while kissing him back. "Ive never- you know.." He pauses in his speech. Then continuing his words he speaks "Been the 'bottom' in sex." I smile and reassure him "Its okay but I've seen that dildo you keep- " I smirk at him to which he get embarrassed. "I couldn't bring myself to use the thing.." He says while looking away. "Dont worry I'll teach you how to do stuff" I tell him while getting up. "Heh alright" He says while rubbing my ass. I smirk at him then walk over to the edge of the bed picking up my jeans and shirt. While putting them on I ask Elliott "You still wanna watch that movie?" He gets up and does the same as me putting on his clothes. "Yea- Im starving you wanna order? I don't feel like cookin. " He says while walking over to me. "Sure- Can we get Mexican? " I reply as I walk out of his room and into the kitchen. "Thats what I was gonna get. So what sounds good?" He asks while walking out to me. "Do they have carne asada fries?" I ask him while pulling out my drink from the fridge. "Yeah, I think ima get nachos. Fully loaded of course~" He says while winking at me. I eye him from the side while grinning "Oh stop that-" Walking over to the couch I start the movie taking a sip of the cocktail Elliott made me. It tastes great but really strong. "You add somethin else to this?" I ask him as he sits down next to me. He pulls out a bag of chips and opens it while saying "Only a lil bourbon " I take another drink of the cocktail the set it on the table in front of us. Sticking out my tongue for a second because of the burn. "Heh it really hits ya- " Elliott snickers at me. I roll my eyes saying "Nothing I couldn't handle" Then kicking my feet up Elliott edges closer to me. I lean on his shoulder for half of the movie. We pause mid way through to wait for the food. "Are you ready for the games?" Elliott asks. I reply to him "Kinda- it hurts to see kings canyon so beat up" He agrees then turns around "I think the foods here-" He guesses while turning back to me. Soon I hear the doorbell ring and I jump up in excitement. "Lemme get it!" I protest at Elliott to which he gives in and says "Sure buddy-" I walk over to the door opening it. I'm greeted by a man in a hoodie holding bags. He hands me the bags then I say "Thanks" He immediately says "Anything for the prince's butterfly-~<3" Then he walks off quickly. Butterfly..? Oh god what have I gotten myself into... I close the door then walk back in with a bothered face. Elliott takes notice of this then makes a confused face "Is something wrong?" He asks while taking the food from me as I sit down on the couch. "I-I don't know-" I say while looking over to the side . He puts his hand on my shoulder and leans closer "Cmon I know something is bothering you :<" He says with worry in his voice . I turn to him and sigh. "I don't think its over- The driver was working for the L-star guy and I don't think he's the only one.."  I say with while grabbing his hand and squeezing it. He can tell im uneasy and cuddles me in his arms. "I wont let these people hurt you I mean we got their 'Leader' so how hard can it be? I promise alright Tavi? " He says while kissing my cheek. My face gets flustered as I agree with him. He pulls away from me and opens the bag of food pulling out two boxes. He gives me one as he grabs his. I open the box to reveal a heavenly smell coming up "¡Huele muy bien!" I exclaim to my self as I grab a plastic fork. I start eating as Elliott plays the movie. After a good movie and a bit too much to drink we get up in a stretch. Me being more drunk stumbles around so Elliott had to keep me by his side. After he turns everything off he leads me to his bedroom. "Augh! I cant saw anything!" I say while tripping over something in Elliott's dark room. He turns on the light and helps me up "Your good c'mere " I fall onto the bed and remove my pants and legs putting them on the floor. "S-so cold-" I say while shivering. Elliott starts to blush at the sight of me. He climbs into the blankets them tells me "I-I can help you get warmer if you join me under the covers." I nod then slide into the covers then I feel Elliott's junk rub up against my butt. I smile as he wraps himself around me. "Your so warm~" I state as I start to lose consciousness. He notices the turns off the light. "Good night Tavi <3"  He says one final time before I fall asleep.


Hope you enjoy this chapter

I think the chapter after the next will be my longest yet-

Im trash-

Like really havent you been listening?

Adrenaline Chaser (Apex Legends) Mirage x OctaneWhere stories live. Discover now