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  First off thanks @hattake for voting on my 1st chapter 💖 I appreciate it. There's going to be a lot of POV changing. Enjoy this chapter. 💖

  Team 7 Arc
  Kakashi POV

   I just finished passing the new version of Team 7. It made me think about my old team.
   'Obito, Rin, Minato Sensei' I thought. 'Now they're all gone..' But then my mind wandered to (Y/N). It's been almost 8 years since I've seen her. She left on the mission when we were about 20. We just got out of the Anbu. I'm 27 now. Soon it's going to be 8 years. I'm worried about her. The mission she went on is a dangerous one.
    I shook my head. 'I can't think that way. She's alive. I believe in her.' I thought. I went to Obito and Rin's grave along with Minato Sensei's, and my father.
    Once I was finished, I remembered the Hokage wanted to see me for some helpful information about my squad. So I left to the Hokage's Office.

     Kotetsu's POV

     As usual, me and Izumo were guarding the gates. Well, I was guarding, Izumo's next to me sleeping.

      'I don't understand what's so important about guarding the gates. It's not like anything is going to happen.' I thought. 'Nothing ever happens here, always so peaceful. I don't mind it though, it means less work I have to do.'

      Right when he says that, a wolf (?) with a scroll on it's back comes through the gates, panting from running to fast.

      "IZUMO WAKE UP!" I yell shaking him.

     Izumo's POV

     "IZUMO WAKE UP!" I hear someone yell.

       'There goes my peaceful sleep.' I thought. "What do you wan-" I stopped mid-sentence, wondering why in the world of Edo-Tensei there's a wolf with a scroll in front of me.

     Back to Kotetsu's POV

     The wolf starts talking, "I have an important scroll for the Hokage." I wonder how the wolf is talking. 'It's a summoning wolf!' I thought.

     "Right, follow me!" I say. I starting running to the Hokage's Office, through the crowd of Konoha; Izumo next to me with the wolf following behind.

       "Do you think we can trust the wolf?" Izumo asks a bit concerned about a talking wolf with a scroll on it's back claiming to have an important message for our leader.

         "I don't know, but we have to take the risk." I responded.

         While running we ran into Kakashi, and he started running with us, due to the fact we were going to the same place.

         Kakashi POV

         I was just about to leave until I saw Izumo and Kotetsu and a... a wolf? They were running in the direction of the Hokage's Office. Since we were going to the same place I decided to join with them.

        When we reached the door I knocked. "Come in." I heard. I opened the door and went in with Izumo, Kotetsu, and the wolf. I was just about to speak until Kotetsu did instead.

        "Lord Hokage," he started. "This wolf claims to have an important message for you. It's a summoning."

      Hiruzens POV

       The wolf walked towards my desk. "Here's the scroll." It said.

        I got the scroll off it's back and the wolf poofed away then opened the scroll on my desk. "It's a summoning scroll." I unsealed (or unsummoned whatever your supposed say) it and let the smoke clear.

      What, or more so WHO poofed out the scroll surprised us all.

       Everyone In The Room's POV


   Hey guys! So I'm sorry for not updating for a while, and I wanted to give you  a chapter so here it is! I hope you liked this one, I'll try not to be so lazy and take a while to upload. Bye! 💖💖

                - Author - Chan

    638 Words

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