| 5 | • Modern 7 •

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Team 7 Arc
3rd POV

You were awoken by a knock on your door.
'Who could want me at such an early hour?' You thought.

After sitting there sulking, hoping the visitor will go away, you finally got up and went downstairs. 'How annoying..'
You opened the door to see..

"Kakashi?" (Y/n) thought aloud. "What are you doing here? It's 8 am in the morning?"

"Aww, not happy to see me?" Kakashi joked with a closed eyed smile.
After getting no response, plus a pissed off look, covered by an emotionless, stoic face, he cleared his throat,
"Lord Third said I should introduce my students to you; since you were a part of the old team 7 and all."
'Great..' you thought sarcastically. Though since it was an order from Lord Third, you had no choice but to comply.
"Right." You said.
You put on some appropriate clothing for the occasion, then you and Kakashi left. The walk was silent. Comfortably silent.

When you got to the training grounds, you saw three kids. Two boys and one girl.
"You're late!" The girl and blonde spoke.
Then all of them turned to you, confused.
"Sensei, who's she?" The blonde spoke.
"Ahhh yes, this is (Y/n)." Kakashi said. "Please, why don't you all get acquainted. Take as long as you please."
He waved a dismissal hand our way, while he went to go read Icha Icha under a tree.

"Okay.." You started. "Who's fi-"


"I'm Sakura Uchih- I mEaN Haruno." The pink haired girl said, then looked down in embarrassment.

"Hn." 🦆butt said. "Sasuke."

"Okay.." You started. " I'm (Y/n) (L/n). Nice to meet you all." They all nodded in acknowledgement. You then walked over to Kakashi. "They're all yours." He sighed, running a hand through his gray/silver hair.

"Alright, let's begin!" Kakashi said.

And with that, Team 7 started training.


"You asked for me my Lord?" You asked the old man.

"Yes." He said. "I would like to officially put you on Team 7. Think of yourself as an observer. Just watch over them. A skilled Jonin such as yourself needs a break after the Orochimaru mission. I think something as simple as watching over ninja in training won't be too bad, will it? Of course, if you don't want to, you don't have to."

"I'll do it Lord Third." You replied.

You left the office, and tower.

'Guess I'm a part of the Modern 7...' You thought.

Quick chapter 💖💖

436 Words

C A T A S T R O P H I C | k. hatake (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now