"hopped off the plane at LAX"

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*BEEP BEEP* your alarm clock went off at 4:35 am telling you to get up and get ready for the flight. You were finally moving to LA!!!!! The flight was at 6 so you were gonna get there at 5:15 just to be safe. "Y/N GET UP IS TIME TO GET READY" your mom yelled up the stairs. It always felt weird waking up this early, almost like life wasn't real.

~at the airport~
Your uber had just dropped off you, your mom, and your dad at the american airlines gate. It was 5:20 perfect. The lines were super long in TSA so you didn't get to your gate until 5:50. There were only about 30 people on the flight so you knew you had a chance at getting your own row. "i'm going to go get starbucks, do you want anything?" you asked your parents just to be sure. "no thanks, y/n" your dad says "Yes please, a grande medium roast with room for creamer please." your mom says handing you the money for your drinks. damn he's kinda cute you think to your self as you pass a tall guy walking towards your gate. He kinda looked familiar, but you couldn't put a finger on it.

~on the flight~ (y/n's pov)
I convinced my mom to go on the plane early so that i could get my own row with room to sleep. Sure enough you did. You looked up from watching IT on your phone to realize that the cute guy from earlier was on the same flight as you. Most of the seats were taken besides your row so you thought you might have a chance at sitting next to him. He was walking and he smiled at you as he passed. although, he didn't sit in the same row as you, he was in the one across from you.

~30 mins into the flight~

I got super bored and i remembered that I had a white board in my backpack. I wrote "hey, my names y/n. hbu?" and put it on the seat next to the cute guy. He said "my names noah :)" then i realized. HE WAS FUCKING NOAH SCHNAPP. I used to be like in love with him. I decided that i should act like he wasn't a celebrity or anything so that it wouldn't be awkward. "you wanna play tic tac toe or hangman??" I wrote "he set up a hangman board with 2 words. it looked like this "_ _ _ _   _ _ _ _" I guess A first, there were none. Then u, there were two "_ _ U _   _ U _ _" I guessed a R, there was 1 "_ _ UR  _ U _ _" Then I went with an E "_ _ UR   _ U_ E" I had a feeling that there was a T cause there's always a T, there was 1 "_ _UR   _UTE" then it hit me it said "YOUR CUTE" OH MY GOD NOAH SCHNAPPLE JUST CALLED ME CUTE. I want completely sure so i guessed a Y "Y_UR   _UTE" then I guessed a C "Y_UR CUTE" now i was 100% sure that it said "YOUR CUTE" so finally, i guessed a O. Noah filled in the last blank so the board read "YOUR CUTE" you both blushed. I snatched the board back and wrote "Do you have snap??" he wrote back "@theschnappschat" that was honestly the funniest thing i ever heard so i wrote "BAHAHAHAHAHAHHA mines @(yourusername)" he saw read the board and smiled. he then wrote "kk i'll add you when i have service :)" I knew that him and I would be good friends.

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