skate park :)

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recap: he's gonna drive me crazy.

it was the second night in my new house and it just didn't feel right. it was around 2 so i texted noah to see if he was still awake.

you still awake schnapple??
yep :)
so how've ya been
just hangin in there
we need to hang out tomorrow
yeah definitely
*noah💕💕shared his location with you*
omg wait we only live like 10 mins away from each other yayyyyyy
ok well i'm hella tired so gn
goodnight nowaaaaaa

i was really sad that noah was going to sleep because i wanted to talk to him more. i texted finn and asked if he wanted to sneak out and go to the skate park with me.

finnieeeeeee lets sneak out and go to the skate park i'm boreddddddddd
wait that sounds like so much fun let's go
do you have an extra board tho mine won't be here for like 3 days
yep meet you at the stop sign in 5
ok meet you there

i was HYPED to go hang out with finn. he made me so happy. i knew how to skate but finn was much better so he said he'd help me.
as i was leaving i put in my earbuds and was listening to my music when i heard somebody call to me. i looked down off my balcony and finn was waiting there to help me get down. so sweet, right? i climbed from my balcony to the shed that close by. then from the shed i jumped. i could of used the ladder but finn told me i'd be fine.
let me just say i was fucking freezing. it was colder than i thought and i didn't have a jacket, so i was literally shaking. of course, finn saw and gave me his sweatshirt. i was so happy as i put it on. it was so warm and it smelled like him. ahhhhhhhhhhh
we got to the skate park and realized that it closes at sunset so there were no lights. skating was already hard enough but skating in the dark -impossable. "its fine y/n lets just skate in the street" finn said kinda sad. "aww why you sad finnie boy" i said. "well i mean i wanted to skate in the skate park :(" finn said obviously lying to my face "you sure about that finnie boy" i said which made him laugh. "yeah i'm sure" he said happy again.
finn gave me some pointers on skating and thought me an ollie and a kickflip. at one point he was holding both of my hands while i was standing on the board so i didn't eat shit when i fell.

finns pov:
i was skating with y/n at 2 ish and it was hella fun. she was really pretty and super sweet. "you can keep that but you better give it back in like a month" i said to y/n. she tried not to smile. oh god she was so cute. ik we only met like 10 hours ago but it felt like i knew her forever. she was the only girl that didn't use me for fame. i was kinda glad she didn't know who i was cause my other neighbor fainted when i met her. i guess she had a huge crush on me and jack but it was whatever. until i caught her watching me change. that was fucking weird. then she wouldn't stop so i put a restraining order on her :) it was 4am now and y/n almost fell asleep on my shoulder as we were walking. i was gonna be bold and hold her hand but i was too scared. what if i ruin the only friendship where they weren't using me. but what if she likes it...

a/n: i'm going to update tomorrow or later tonight. leave a comment or a vote so i can see that people are actually reading these :) thanks ily :)
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