my side of the story

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Charli goes to take a shower leaving you and payton back in your room alone. you ring your butler and ask him to get some popcorn and candy so you all can watch a movie after showers. they you snuggle up next to payton as you both scroll through social media on your phones.

y/n | hey, you should use this as on opportunity to fix you and charli's relationship.

P | i mean i could.

he says not looking from his phone.

y/n | payton.

P | what?!

y/n | look at me.

he puts down his phone and hugs you a little tighter.

P | yes.

y/n | i'm serious it's a perfect time.

P | idk after what she did.

y/n | payton. family is important to me and you have all your family with you. you should be close. this happened 3 years ago. just give her a chance.

P | if it means that much to you. i will.

he says brushing your hair behind your ear. you snuggle back up next to him and doze off until charli comes out of the shower.


this wakes you up. so you sit up quickly.

P | damn charli what an entrance.

y/n | hey charli.

you say sleepily. then open your arms for a hug. she comes over and hugs you.

y/n | how was your shower.

C | great. the shower is nice.

you all laugh. then payton gets up to go shower.

P | okay, i'll be right back baby.

he kisses you on the forehead.

P | be good charli.

C | yessir. now get out of here.

P | alright

he says and closes the door to the bathroom.

C | so-

y/n | i'm sorry.

C | oh my goodness. your fine. actually since you've been dating him he has been so much nicer to me.

y/n | we aren't dating.

C | i mean close enough.

y/n | shut up

you giggle

y/n | yeah but sorry for everything at school i got ahead of myself.

C | no i'm happy your highschool will be as great as it should be.

y/n | i won't ever stop being friends with you though.

C | yuppers. besties for life?

she holds out her pinky.

y/n | besties for life.

you pinky promise. you and charli start talking about you and payton.

C | so how was the date.

y/n | great. except for the storm on the way home. i hate storms.

C | awe so he got to comfort you.

y/n | yeah.

you blush

y/n | but enough about me. who has the heart of this beautiful lady.

C | okay. no telling payton, you swear.

y/n | lips sealed. now tell me!!

C | i have always had a thing for chase. we were close but once the stuff happened with me and payton he blocked me and we haven't talked since.

y/n | ooo chase. he's sweet.

C | did payton tell you about the incident.

y/n | yeah.

C | he told you i talked shit about him to draw avani away didn't he.

y/n | along those lines yeah.

C | i hate his guts. you want to hear the real story.

y/n | go for it.

Thank for you all my active readers. youa re all very cool. ilysm. what do you think charli's side is.

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