CDC part 2

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After the CDC blew up, the caravan drove in the opposite direction until they ran out of gas, which was less than 4 hours away. It starts with Shane's truck and with one honk, the group stops.

"What's wrong?" Daryl asks around his thumb where he was chewing on the nail. Coming up beside the sheriff, Shane gets out of the car, slamming the door shut.

"Out of gas." The Alpha spits on the ground. The group piles out of the cars to see what the commotion was all about. Once the situation was explained, they split up to syphon from the surrounding cars. Carol and Lori take the pups back to the RV to play a card game while everyone else got to work. Once all the gas was siphoned from the cars, the group starts to gather anything of use with Rick's urging to replace the things they had lost in the CDC. They find a couple bottles of aspirin and water and more clothes. They pile everything into the RV and come together to discuss what their next move would be.

"Fort Benning." Was the first thing out of Shane's mouth when the Alpha comes over to the group.

"We won't make it, not on the food and gas we have left. We need to think more realistic; what can we do with what we have." Rick shakes his head, "stiles, can you think of anything that we could use that is close by?"

Stiles think for a minute before speaking " we could go back Cdc could have something useful in those cars and truck around it?" The omega tells his fall it almost sounded like a question as if he wasn't sure it was the right thing to say.

Shane bares his teeth at the kid with a snarl, ready to get in his face.
"Back!? You want us to go back to the fucking CDC? Next time we ask you for an idea, it better be a good one. We give you the chance to prove you're an Alpha and that's all you can come up with? I should put you to use with the other Omegas since that seems like all your good for."

Rick has the Alpha on his stomach, face in the dirt before Shane can lay his hand on stiles. His teeth are biting down on his partner's glands, forcing yelps and whines from Shane's throat while glenn and T - Dog pulls a shaken up stiles to him away, the young Alpha baring his own neck with a whimper. Daryl has his crossbow set against Shane's head, taking deep breathes and glances at Rick's Pack to make sure they were ok. The alpha was tempted to unload an arrow into the Alpha's head and be done with it, but instead he looks to Rick and waits. Rick rumbles loudly and threatening at the other Alpha but sends Daryl a nod to let him up. The alpha archer huffs but pulls back, the arrow stays trained on the other Alpha.

Rick gets off Shane with one last rumble of warning and sits next to the man. "Stiles isn't a part of your Pack; he's one of mine. You have NO say in anything regarding them. Next time you say something out of line, or you try to put your hands on one of my kids, I will make you submit... in true Traditional fashion. I don't think the Gamma life is appealing to you, is it?"

Rick was not going to allow another alpha to harm his children or packmate... looking to his the male omega was trying to not cry... he was scared but he wouldn't show it...

The Beta picks up a bag of stuff he found in the cars and shoulders it. "Whatever we are doing is going to have to be closer. We been siphoning gas and clearing out cars of anything useful for hours but haven't found any food, not to mention that it's gonna be dark soon. We need a place to sleep, and something to eat. Once we do that, we can decide what to do as a Flock."

They make their way back to the group and everyone gets ready to leave. Most of the caravan had already left when the Walkers come. A herd, around a hundred of them, come out of the woodwork and surround the cars the Packs scavenged from. Shane bares his teeth and tries to start his jeep. When the car just stutters he swears loudly and grabs his things, jumping on a car close by as the Walkers swarms it. He starts yelling and screaming, praying Rick and the group will notice. One of the Walkers grabs his pants leg and pulls, another starts climbing the car. The Alpha snarls at the dead bodies and swings his gun at the things head as it yanks on his pants leg again. The other one made the climb and goes for the Alpha, knocking him down. Shane places one of his arms on the thing's neck, keeping it from biting him, while his other fights it's hands off, when it goes to claw his chest. The Alpha whimpers when the other Walkers get in a frenzy at the downed meal before them and start to try to claim a bit of him as their own. Shane starts to pray harder, begging anyone to help him. An arrow appears in the Walker's head causing the corpse to go limp. Shane looks up in surprise as Daryl's truck circles the car, shooting one-handed at the Walkers. Once he has their attention he drives away, a path cleared for the Alpha to climb into the RV, Glenn waving him in. Shane jumps in and the group drives away.

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