guess what it was a lie

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This is our route to DC. We'll stick to it as long as we're able to. If not, well, you got our destination, just in case you guys decide to join us." Rick takes the map from Abraham without a word. Everyone was by the gate waiting for the others to load up the bus they had found with supplies. Glenn, Maggie, Tara and Rosita were already seated while Eugene was showing Carl tricks.

"Once Eugene gets to the big brains Left up there, things are gonna bounce back." Abraham shifts his feet. "This Pack should be there for it. You should be there for it."

"We will be." Glenn says, "We're Gigwaga, where one of us goes, the others will feel it."

"We will be." Rick agrees, shaking the Alpha's hand. "Though you seem to be singing a very different tune than yesterday."

"Rosita knocked some sense into me I guess." Abe clears his throat, "She my Zeta for a reason. You guys do have something good here that will last as long as the Pack stays here. If things go south for us or this doesn't work out.... It'd be nice to be able to come back."

"We'll save you guys some room in the pack." Rick smiles, "Just in case."

Abraham gets into the driver's seat and the others climb in after saying their goodbyes. A image flashes through the bond and Rick looks to Daryl and stiles. He steps in front of the bus, his son's at his left side with step into the circle, followed by Tyreese and then the others until the bus was surrounded. The ones on the bus looked concerned and a little scared, Glenn sticks his head out the window and calls out to Rick. The Prime doesn't answer, the Pack focusing on the images that flow through the bond, though he does send a thought to Daryl to include their Pack on the bus so they would remain calm. By Glenn's smile and Maggie's teary eyes, they understood what was happening.

Rick and Daryl raise their right arms at the same time, making a small cut on their palms before doing the same to their left. They hold out their right arms with the palms facing down and the left arm with the palm facing up. The other Pack-members do the same thing, before grabbing each other's hands, the cuts overlapping. When the last person connected their palms to complete the circle everyone's eyes go black.

Rick and Stiles spoke the next part in perfect unison, "Mother Earth and Father Time, watch over them."

The rest of the Pack calls out, "Gigwaga."

"Keep them safe from those that wish them harm."


"May the dirt beneath them remain hard as stone."


"May the winds favor them, and hide their scents."


"Son noquisi leiten tou anedolido laronxe."

"Son noquisi leiten tou anedolido laronxe, Gigwaga." Glenn, Maggie and Tara repeated the last sentence, Eugene and Rosita whispering it to themselves.

"What'd they say? Son noquisi leiten tou anedolido laronxe, gigwaga? What the hell does-?" Abraham cuts himself off, seeing his eyes change colors. Everyone's eyes were lit up, glowing an erie reddish-gold that flickered like flames. He watches in awe as his and his Pack's eye shift as well. Rick waits until the color has dissapeared from everyones eyes before he has them release their hands, the small cuts on their palms healed.

"What the hell was that?" Rosita leans out the window, eyes wide. Daryl comes closer to the front of the bus to answer her.

"Our Pack is entrusting three members into your care on a diplomacy mission. To not offer you a blessing would have made my mama turn in his grave if he had one."

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