The Meeting

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Gloria was standing in front of the gate to the slumbering weald. She was playing hide and seek with her twin brother, Victor. He was still counting to 10. Her mom always forbid them to go into the forest next to their house.

"Five, Six, Seven" she heard her brother yell.

With excitement she pulled open the gate and walked inside, she pushed the gate closed with all of her might and started to follow the path. Victor would never find me here! She thought proudly. The twins were both 8 years old, they've lived in Postwick their whole lives with their mother. There weren't many other children around so they were glad they got each other. A strange noise came from a bush and the young girl saw a shadow coming her way. Gloria screamed in fear and tripped over her own feet.
She fell on the ground, her knees were scraped and bleeding. She started to tear up and opened her mouth to scream her twin brothers name. Out of the bushes jumped a small yet very fluffy Wooloo. The small Pokémon sniffed at the crying girl and bleated at her.

"Wooloo! Don't go and run off like that!" A strange voice shouted from a distance. Wooloo started to bleat again. This Wooloo belonged to a trainer! She was saved! A boy came running from the bushes. He had purple hair and yellow eyes. He ran up to the girl and reached out his hand to her.

"You're bleeding! Are you okay?" He worriedly asked her.

Gloria was quiet and just looked at him with big, watery eyes. She sniffled her nose and took his hand to stand back up.

"My name is Hop. I saw you going in here, I was curious so we decided to follow you in here!" he explained with a big smile on his face. "It is reaaally spooky in here tho!"

Gloria laughed and took a step back. "I am Gloria!" She introduced herself.

Hop scratched his head and petted Wooloo on its back.

"I'm sorry Wooloo scared you, but what are you going in a forest without any Pokémon by your side?"

Gloria awkwardly looked at the boy. "I was eh... Playing hide and seek with my brother."

Hop sighed. He grabbed something out of his back and kneeled down in front of the young girl. He put some bandages on her knees and stood back up.

"Thank you!" Gloria said happily. Hop grabbed one of her hands. "Let's go back together!" he suggested. They both started to search for the exit, walking hand in hand. They talked a lot, and learned alot about each other. Hop always lived in Postwick, but they just moved across the path of where Gloria and Victor lived cause his grandparents were going to live with them. The mist in the Slumbering Wealds started to get thicker and the sky kept getting darker. Gloria stopped walking and look down. "We're lost, aren't we?" she asked her new friend softly.

Hop turned around to face her and looked awkwardly at her. "Yep."

He took off his jacket and put it on for Gloria. He blushed a little bit and looked away. "You seemed cold, so..."

Gloria grabbed his hand once again. Suddenly they heard someone screaming Hop's name. Hop eyes began to shine. "That's Lee! My big brother!" he excitedly said. He started to yell his brother's name. A flashlight pointed their way, and a tall boy walked out of the mist. He looked just like Hop, but with longer hair. Leon ran up to his little brother and hugged him quick. Hop didn't hug him back, because he didn't want to let go of Gloria's hand.

"We were worried sick!" Leon said as he broke the hug off. "You shouldn't go in here!"

Hop took a step back, and Leon glanced at the little girl. "I'm sorry, it's my fault. I was hiding from my brother and got into the Slumbering Weald even though my mum always saying I am forbidden." Gloria apologized and bowed her head towards Leon.

"I'm sure the two of them must be worried sick. Come on, let's get the two of you home." Leon sighed, although his eyes were kind. He took the two kids back to the entrance of the Slumbering Wealds. Victor was standing at the entrance with his arms crossed. Gloria ran to her twin brother and tried to hug him.

"Victor!" she yelled with a shaky voice. Victor took a step back and grabbed his sister's head.

"You totally cheated today's game." he angrily scowled at her.

Gloria looked up. Next to Victor was standing Hop's mom, talking with their own mom. Her mom immediately and lowered herself on her knees. "Oh hun, what happened to your knees?" She asked her daughter with her eyes full of worry.

"I fell and scraped my knees, but Wooloo and Hop came to rescue me!" Gloria answered, her eyes were shining with excitement.

The two moms glanced at each other. "My my, Hop. Thank you very much for looking after my little troublemaker. And of course, you too Leon!" the twin's mom smiled happily at the two brothers.

After a while of talking, the two brothers and their mom went back home. Gloria gave back Hop's jacket and smiled gleefully at her new friend. Gloria kebt blabbering about the adventure she had today to Victor.  This was going to be the start of a wonderful 'friendship'.

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