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"والله يحب صبرين
Allah is with the steadfast."

They ran around the house with Tanzeel who was smiling goofily,they were having a catch me game,Tanzeel,Jannah and Ablah..

"Ya Ukhty(Sister),you cannot catch me both of you":Tanzeel said laughing..

"Wait and watch":Jannah said increasing her speed..

"We will catch you Tanzeel":Ablah said laughing..

"You 3 should be careful":Ammi said smiling at their childish act..

They finally found a trick and they caught her..

"Gotcha":Ablah said carrying Tanzeel..

They laughed and got inside the house as they tiredly sat on the chair..

Ablah sprawled to the kitchen and got a jug of water and cups,she put it inside cups and handed it to Jannah and Tanzeel collected it and thanked them..

"We are going to the hospital for scanning":Ammi said smiling..

"Okay safe trip":Ablah said smiling..

"Baby be safe":she said looking at her mom's tummy..

"Tanzeel follow us,we will buy ice cream for you on our way":Dhizwar said smiling..

"Yee Abbi thank you":Tanzeel said jumping happily..

"Let's go":They smiled and left..


Ablah was left alone in the house after Jannah left,she was left with Fa'iza Aunty their maid but she left because her child is seriously sick..

She decided to do her qur'anic memorization,she carried her qur'an pen and started her memorization..

The lights went out and she had no other choice than to step outside,she sat down on one of the rubber chairs that were kept outside as she continued her qur'anic recitation..

She felt someone's eyes on her and she quickly raise her head up to see the person..

A handsome guy was standing infront of her looking at her..

"Salamu'alaikum,how can I help you?":Ablah asked smiling..

"Nothing":He said trying to walk away..

"You look tensioned, I can help I promise, I won't laugh at you":She said again..

"No am fine":He said ..

"I just need some fresh air":he said smiling a little..

"Don't lie..

"Abdullah bn Mas'ud reported that the prophet said, "The Messenger of Allah said,

"Shall I not inform you of the greatest major of sins?"[three times] They said, 'of course O Messenger of Allah!'
He said 'Associating partners with Allah,disobedience to the parents - then he sat reclining - and the false statement.'He kept repeating them until I said 'If only he would stop'''

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