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"When the people of Jannah reunite,they will remember all the times they spoke about Jannah in this dunya..
They will back and laugh at how short life was and then smile because beautiful is their final abode..
I pray we are among them..

Ablah smiled as she made Latif's coffee,she could still clearly remember how Latif woke her up for fajr today,he called her and told her to wake up..

He has changed..

She entered his cabin with a salam..

"Salamu'alaikum":she said smiling..

"Wa'alaikumussalam":he said smiling..

She wanted to act like it was normal but still it was new but she didn't want him to think otherwise so she just smiled..

"Good morning Mr Latif":she said smiling..

"Call me Latif":he said smiling..

"He is your well known black coffee with less sugar":she said keeping the cup on his table..

"Thank you smiley":he said smiling..

"Smiley?":she asked confused..

"Your new nick name":He said laughing..

"You are welcome grumpy":she said rolling her eyes..

"Grumpy?":he protested..

"Yes,you have a meeting in 30 minutes,Dard enterprises called just now":she said composing herself..

"Okay,thank God I have worked on it yesterday night":he said smiling..

"What are you watching":she asked as he pit his gaze back to his phone..

"Islamic lectures":he said smiling..

"Ohh I will just finish some work":she said heading out..

And today she wished that it is not only glass that is their barrier because she wanted to jump and shout out of joy..

Latif came back as he promised 10 years ago..

They went for the meeting and it went well then they got back to the office..

"You nailed it":Ablah said smiling..

"Yes":he said smiling also..

He went back to his office and she was bored so she decided to recite the holy qur'an and kill time before lunch..

Latif came out immediately after she started and he smiled at her..

"We should start from baqarah and keep on doing it till we are done cover to cover":he said smiling..

"We should make it a routine":she said giving him a thumbs up and he nodded his head..

They continued reciting the qur'an,their voices getting higher at some verses and getting lower at some..

How great it is to read the qur'an and feel like you should keep on reciting..

How great it feels to recite the qur'an knowing the meaning..

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