Chapter one

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Jason Mclovin is 21 years old , light skin , 6'1 and is very unfortunate.Jason is a very unfortunate young man because back when he was 10 years old he witnessed the murder of his father and mother . He witnessed as their blood shed into the wooden floor like a bucket of water while he hid under their bed.The man who murdered Jason's parents was never found.He disappeared like a ghost and no track of him was left behind.The only thing known about this man was that he had brown eyes and a dragon tattoo on his right wrist.Poor Jason had to be taken to a Orphanage where he never got adopted.But today Jason will be turning 21.That's good news for him because that means he won't have to stay at the Orphanage anymore.Jason doesn't have a car nor license so his bestfreind Nick will be coming to pick him up .Ding-Dong, sounds the doorbell.Jason rush's his way down the stairs and when he opens the door it's Nick.

"Hey man!How you been?"Nick tells Jason with his arms wrapped around him.

Jason looks right at Nick with a smile as big as the world,"Okay,but lets get out of here now ok!"

"Wow!You really want to leave this place huh."

"Yea Nick!Here lets go."Jason grabs his bags and is all ready to go.

Jason and Nick then say good-bye to everybody at the orphanage and hop inside the whip.Jason and Nick pull out the parking lot and as they go down the road everything seems new to Jason.To Nick it seems like Jason got brain washed in the orphanage,but in reality Jason was simply holding a grudge towards the man who murdered his parents.As Nick and Jason got closer to their house there was one thing that didn't seem new to Jason.This was some old ass house,this house had a tree outside with a swing rocking itself.The silence in this house was frightening,it was like a scene in a horror movie.And this house wasn't new to Jason because he grew up in it.As Nick and him were passing by Jason saw the yard and had a vision of himself playing there and his parents pushing him on the swing.This vision was so happy but it started to vanish once a beautiful young lady came across Jason's crystal blue eyes.Jason froze and was starstruck at this lady and immediately fell in love with her .

"Hey Nick stop the car real quick."Jason told Nick without even laying his eyes off this young lady.

"Sure thing i'll just park right here.You got five minutes OK."Nick already knows why Jason wants to stop the car.

Jason then runs across the street and into the sidewalk to talk to this lady."Hey I'm Jason. "Jason then shakes her hand .

"Hey,nice to meet you Jason my name is Anna.So you new to town ,i never seen you around?"

"Well yea, i actually am.Hey uhm do you mind showing me around someday,i mean if you don't mind?"Anna and Jason both start to blush.

"Sure just give me your kik and i'll let you know when." 

Jason then starts walking back to the car."Great see you then Anna."

Jason then gets inside the car and Nick takes back of to the road.Nick turns to look at Jason speechlessly and says,"Wow!You just got out that place and already you pullin?!"Jason laughs too and tells Nick that she was pretty cute.Nick then asks Jason why he was starring so hard.

Jason looks at Nick and says,"What at Anna?"

Nick then says,"No not her,at the house Jason.Why where you looking so hard at the house?"

Jason suddenly just turns his head outside the window,looks at the sky,takes a deep breath and says,"Well Nick your my bestfreind so you deserve to know the truth.Look,you know how i was put into an orphanage right.Well it wasn't because my parents didn't want me but because my parents were murdered,and i saw the man who murdered them.I couldn't help them Nick,i was only ten.Man,i just hid under the bed like a little punk!I really wish i could've done something,i still can Nick,this won't bring them back but it's something i gotta do.I wanna find this man and kill him!"

Nick feels bad for asking Jason and says,"How come you never told me man you know i'm here for you.Hay,i'm sorry for asking you that,i didn't know.Jason one more thing,if you were to find this man would you really kill him?"

"Of course,he took my family away from me,ruined my childhood,and life.Because of this man i've spent 11 years in a orphanage.Nick look,you can try to stop me but it won't work so don't even try."

"OK Jason,but how would you even find this man.Not even the police could?"

Jason turns to look at Nick,"I got people working on it.These people are gonna find him,I know it."

Nick pulls up to the driveway of his house and parks the car."OK man,this is your beef so don't put me in it.Now lets get your bags and go inside." 

Jason then got out the car and got his bags out the trunk.Nick went to open the door and show Jason around.Nick told Jason that the basement was gonna be all his,so he told Nick thank you for letting him stay with him.Jason went to take a shower when he suddenly heard,ring-ring.Jason got out the shower and got his phone.New kikster found was on the notification bar and it was Anna.He rapidly unlocks the phone and says,"Hey,so wat's up."

Anna replies,"Hey you free tomorrow"

Then Jason replies,"yea"

Anna then replies back,"Great i'll go get you tomorrow at 5 so be ready.Lmao but send me your address first."

Jason sent her the address and felt something.What Jason was feeling is what you would call joy.Joy is something that Jason hasn't felt in centuries.For once in his life Jason felt happy.He went to the bathroom and started to brush his teeth.After that he went to bed and couldn't wait until tomorrow.Jason was ln bed but couldn't sleep because all he had in his mind was Anna.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2014 ⏰

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