𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 + 𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞

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Zak and Dave were invited by Schlatt and Wilbur to hang out in the snow and do some winter activities,along with Darryl,Vincent,Clay,George and Finn.

They all decided to meet at Schlatt's house since his house was near a hill,and it would be the perfect opportunity to go snowboarding.

Schlatt is a rich boy,his parents both owning the country's most well-known company. He knew that all of his friend's have never gone snowboarding,so he offered to get them all snowboards.

Zak and Dave came together and they were the last to come,apologizing for making them wait. "Alright,so now that everyone's here let's go have some fun!" Schlatt said with pure excitement in his voice. The rest cheered too.

They all got out of the house,mostly doing their own thing. They agreed they would save snowboarding for last. They all agreed upon a snowman contest,collecting their own things to decorate the snowman with from Schlatt's home,but Zak and Dave backed out from this activity and just had a walk. They promised they'll join in on other activities like snowball fights and snowboarding,but for now they just wanted some alone time together.

"Honestly I've never experienced any winter like this," Zak chuckled, "usually I'd be home inside because there wasn't really anything fun to do in the snow,even when my old friends invited me I would say no." Dave smiled,"Same. I'd usually just bring my sisters to the playground because they do not give two fucks if they catch a cold."

Zak laughed,Dave's stomach fluttered with butterflies. He was happy to be with Zak,happy he could always make the boy laugh and happy that he was his. Dave looked back at their other friends,seeing they were halfway done with their snowmen and were most likely about to vote for who had the best snowman. Dave smirked mischievously,Zak looked at him and gave him a questioning look. "I have a plan,once they've decided a winner,we're gonna chuck some snowballs at them and we're gonna be the best duo!" 

Zak grinned,"I like the sound of that- let's go make some snowballs!"  They both worked their way making as many snowballs they could,ready to strike when the winner of the snowman contest would get announced. Zak poked Dave,seeing that apparently,Darryl was cheering,meaning that he had won. They looked at each other smirking,Zak throwing the snowballs at their friend's snowmen while Dave threw the snowballs at them. They got closer,laughing at them while they continued to throw snowballs at them harshly. "Oh you're on dickheads!" Wilbur yelled. Soon,all nine of the friends started throwing snowballs at each other,having their own teams of two and three. 

They were enjoying their times like little kids again. "Alright stop! We've wasted our time chucking snowballs into each other's face and it's literally gonna be 5 P.M. soon. Let's go snowboarding!" Clay said. They all agreed and stopped,getting their own snowboards that Schlatt had bought for them. They ran up the hill,Schlatt teaching them the basics of snowboarding. They put on their safety gears,going together at the same time once they were ready. They slided down,moving sideways along the way down. 

They laughed,having the time of their lives and enjoying the cold breeze that brushed their faces. Everyone except Schlatt landed on the ground once they'd reached the foot of the hill,still trying to get used to balance on the snowboards and know when to stop. Schlatt laughed at them,his laugh being contagious,everyone started laughing. Before they wrapped their day up,they all went on and did one more activity,since there was still some time. They went to a nearby frozen lake that's ice was thick enough to support the boys. Schlatt had also bought them ice skating shoes,since he had enough money to do so. He'd do anything to have fun with his friends.

They wore the ice skating shoes,Zak and Dave were the first to go. They were pretty good at skating,so they didn't really need help. They went on loops,just talking and flirting; whatever couples say to each other. George,Vincent and Finn were first timers,they've never gone skating their whole life. Darryl,Clay and Schlatt were somewhat good,they'd fall on their asses at least once or twice. Wilbur had gone ice skating before with some of his friends and Niki,so he was really good at it,knowing how to balance himself and all that. The first timers tried skating,occasionally falling,while Darryl,Clay and Schlatt tried to perfect the basics of ice skating. Wilbur kept going around the lake,sometimes catching up with Zak and Dave and making some couple of small talks until he decided to leave them be and make fun of the first timers and the somewhat decent friends of his. They took some pictures here and there,making sure to capture all their fun times. By now,most of them had their phone storage full of pictures of them all together and snowy sceneries.

The two lovebirds realised it was getting late and Zak was starting to feel cold,so they decided to go home and say goodbye to their friends before Zak started freezing to death. They took off their ice skating shoes,thanking Schlatt for the things he bought in order to make these memorable memories even happen. 

They walked to Dave's house,hand-in-hand. As soon as they went inside,the cold breeze from the air conditioner inside brushed their faces,causing Zak to shiver more. They both took a warm bath to get rid of the shivering,later meeting at the living room.

They sat down on top of Dave's large white sofa,blankets wrapped around Zak,sitting in front of the fireplace that was still burning. "Stay right here,I'm gonna make us some hot chocolate," Dave said. Zak smiled and nodded. He was feeling drowsy,the warmth from the shower he recently took and the warmth that came from the fireplace made his body feel relaxed,but also from the activities they did half an hour ago also tired him out. Dave came back with two white mugs that had hot chocolate and small marshmallows inside of it. Zak gently took the mug,being careful to not burn his hands. He took a sip,putting the mug on top of the coffee table. 
He saw Dave wrapping himself into the large blankets Zak was wrapping himself in before,so now they were close to each other and were wrapped in the same blanket. Zak hugged Dave from the side,his tired eyes finally being able to rest now that Dave was beside him. Dave smiled,slowly falling back onto the sofa for a much more comfortable position. Dave was laying down while Zak was sleeping on top of him peacefully.

The warm feeling enveloped them,finally letting them be able to sleep peacefully.

- <3

okay I enjoyed writing this jskdk makes me soft and jealous i have nobody to cuddle with 😔

originally this was supposed to be divided into 2 parts but then I said fuck it and continued it,so in total this chapter has 1,280 words LMAO (this is also the main reason it has two titles)

I swear 'by your side' part 2 is coming soon,i'm writing down the plot rn so i'll most likely publish it tomorrow. do you guys have any guesses of what 'by your side' part 2 is gonna be about? whoever gets it correct i'll actually be surprised but at the same time it's kinda cliché lol

aa goodbye for now,see u all tomorrow :)

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