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The stars were always so beautiful in the night sky, especially during midnight. Dave would always at least go out to see them at a nearby hill by his house and would watch them with Zak if possible. Zak.

His eyes were shut, both his arms folded at the back of his head as he relaxed on the green, grassy ground. He was alone tonight. He sighed, wishing he could've brought Zak along with him, but he was already asleep last time he had checked. It was one in the morning, usually he'd be home by 3 but with the lack of company, he was sure to head off early tonight.

He got up, taking a photo of the bright stars for Zak, which he surely has missed for the night. He really did wish the tan short boy was with him. They would talk about various random topics, whether it was about school, career, the future or whatever they could think off. Tonight, all Dave had was the bright stars and an empty space by his side.

He closed his eyes as he sighed, but suddenly felt two arms wrapped around his neck behind him. "Zak- !" Zak giggled, "Hey."

Dave was dumbfounded. He saw the boy sleeping when he snuck up his balcony, so why was he suddenly here? "I saw you asleep in your room- why are you here?" the taller of the two asked curiously. "My parents found out I've been sneaking out with you a lot, so I had to pretend. Thought I heard you going up my balcony, but my parents came in right after you went down so I'm kind of glad I wasn't impatient."

Dave laughed, "What do you mean? You're always impatient-" "Am not!" Both boys laughed together, happy that neither of them had to spend the night alone, whether it was in a room or outside looking at the stars.

"Do you wanna continue looking at the stars, or are you gonna head back?" Zak asked. Dave was unsure. He'd feel bad for Zak to come all the way here only to be met with a response so selfish, but he was already feeling tired. He sighed happily, "For you, yeah. Let's go back looking at those stars."

And so, both the boys cheerfully went back up the hill.

Both the boys laughed at a joke one of them told, talked about a lot of things, sometimes even brushing their fingertips lightly on one another's hands, blushing faintly. It was definitely no secret they liked each other for a long time, it was obvious to many, even their family or friends.

Dave realized now would be a good time to say it and be a man, or at least he hoped now was a good time. Oh well, it was now or never. "Zak," he started. Zak hummed curiously, facing the boy who was looking right at the star, probably too afraid to face him.

"We've been friends for a while now, right?" Zak nodded in response, eager to hear what Dave had to say. Though, he'd be lying if he said he wasn't nervous at all. "This is the only time I can say it since we're both together and alone, I don't wanna ruin our friendship when I say this, but; I love you. And I mean I really, really, really fuckin' love you. Not as a friend thing but-" ''I get it." the younger boy cut the older boy's words off. "I..I have to be honest too, huh?" he giggled softly, his eyes looking down as a tint of pink were dusted on his tan skin. Dave stayed quiet to hear what he had to say. "I guess we've spent a lot of time together that we like each other, and well.. I love you too, Dave. There's no denying that." He smiled softly, looking right into his eyes.

Dave could only tear up, happy to hear the other felt the same way. He hugged Zak tightly, Zak returning the hug. Realizing the older was crying, he tried to quiet him down. "Shh, it's okay." He said as he played with his curly brunette hair. "I know, I just.. love you so much, I'm so happy you feel the same."

Zak kissed his forehead, wiping his tears away.

There they were. Under the beautiful, glowing stars, on top of a hill with flowers and a tree on the side, cuddling as they were now together. Oh, what a blessing.

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