Chapter 3

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A few weeks later after Shawn finished his mid term exams I knocked on Shawns door as loud as possible but there was no answer. Then I barged in as I pulled the sheets back and opened the blinds. Shawn let out a grunt while a satisfied smirk appeard on my face.

"Morning sunshine!" I giggled. Shawn then put on a pair of jeans as slowly as possible. What felt like 10 minutes later, he pulled on a shirt that read GFK.

"Oh and bye the way you got a text from Julie? She says she had a great time and that your sisters such a buzz kill." I spoke slowly and pouted sarcasticly and the end.

Shawns face redened with embarrassment. "Augie that wasn't apart of the deal, turn it off, it's private..." Shawn yawned.

"Oh Shawn, from what you've done, I can't trust you to tell me what your up to, so I thought going through your phone would help, you brought this on yourself." I smirked causing Shawn to roll his eyes. I wasn't done just yet.

Just as we got into my car and began to drive to work I told Shawn,

"Oh yeah and Jackson asked "Hey, did you get pass base 2 with Julie *winkey face*" Shawn you dirty boy!"

"August please stop and tell him no." Shawn sighed running his fingers through his hair.

"Oh don't worry I already did, just with a bit of a twist."

"What'd you say?" Shawn yelled.

"I said Almost, I got her shirt off but then my amazing sister who I love so dearly came in and kicked her out."

 This caused Shawns jaw to drop "August!" Shawn yelled again raising his hands.

I laughed and turned on the radio to hear kick me by sleeping with sirens as I sang along. We continued this way until we got to my work. I handed Shawn a tray of cookies and told him his job was to hand them out to the customers as they came in. We walked through the doors to see my boss sitting at her computer watching some show and eating a slice of pizza.

 ''August!'' she smiled walking towards me. ''Oh, Shawn you look amazing!'' She spoke slowly and ruffled his hair.

''Darcy are you doing okay?'' I asked worriedly. ''Yes im just very excited for our new manager, I have to get out of this place.''

 New manager? It was only me and Darcy working here. Is this her way of giving me a promotion.

 ''Oh my gosh Darcy! Thank you so much, I can't beli-'' I stopped as Darcy began to break down into laughter.

When she was done she began to speak ''You don't actually think im giving you a promotion do you?''

''I-'' ''No no, my nephew is going to take my job!''

 Her nephew? She can't be serious. Iv'e worked here since I was 15 and she's giving her job as manager to some newbie?

 ''He should be here right about-'' As soon as the words left Darcys lips a tall broad boy came walking through the door.

 ''Luke, sweetheart!'' Darcy smiled giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Luke Hemmings is Darcys nephew? I got a feeling in my stomach almost like vile was slowly creeping up through my throat.

 ''This is August she'll be showing you around on how to run things.'' Darcy said as she pulled on her jacket.

 ''Hi August very nice to meet you.'' Luke grunted putting his hand out for me to shake. I accepted to see cuts over his wrists. A gasp escped my lips as he pulled away and brought his sleeve over his arm. I couldn't bare to look at him, I'd ruined him. His eyes had lost that blue sparkle they used to have. There was baggs under his almost grey eyes like he hadnt slepped for days and his hair was pressed against his forhead.

 ''Well... Bye!'' Darcy shouted running through the door.

 We stayed staring at eachother for a while until Shawn asked Luke,

 ''Would you like one of my sisters cookies? Freshly baked!''

 ''Sure, your sisters cookies are really good.'' Luke smirked picking up one of the cookies. His choice of words caused be to gasp and begin to reden.

 ''can i speak to you, privately please.'''I asked Luke. He nodded and followed me into his new office.

 ''Luke I'm sorry.''

'''No your not''

''Exuse me?'' I said as my eyes widened.

 ''Your not sorry August, you probabaly have the speech your about to give me memorized for every guy you-''

''Luke you can't be serious right now! do you think every guy Ive hooked up with shows up as my new manager every day?'' I said cutting him off.

''What you did was low August. I looked for you ever since that day. I beat up Micchael because he refused to give me your number. Youve changed me.Not for the good.'' Luke practically yelled. He was right. I shouldn.t have left. But Im not the type of girl whos nice and makes up for every mistake ive done.

 ''You know what Luke, suck it up because I suck, Im a whore and I care how I made you feel, your not special because ive done this to so many people, so grow up!'' I yelled out of breath.

Luke rolled his eyes and tried to make it seem like it didnt hurt him but it really did. He then turned and left the room, making sure to slam the door behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2014 ⏰

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