Chapter Twenty Three

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The day Mira was dreading to come was finally here. The other woman was coming over to her house. She thought the contents of the document Angie sent to Austin the other day would get to him, but he was even more determined to see her.

“What time do you think Abigail will get here?”, he asked for the fifth time, causing her eyes to roll in annoyance

“Angie did say around 12pm”, she checked her wrist watch. “Any minute now”

The doorbell went off at the door, and she took a deep breath before she walked to it and pulled it open. Luckily, it was just Angie and she strode inside

“Why do you have that look on your face?”

“I can't be exactly thrilled that my husband is meeting with the love of his life now, can I?”, she deadpanned as she closed the door behind her

“How's he doing?”, the older woman asked as she pointed to her son sitting in the lounge

“He's so excited, it's killing me”, the younger woman placed both her hands on her hips and let out an exasperated sigh

“Don't worry, by the end of today, things will go back to normal”

“How Angie?”, her voice almost broke as she drew close to tears. “This will just make him want to see her over and over again. She's going to win his heart all over again. He loves her”.

“No”, the older woman grabbed her by her arms, her lips tuning into a scowl at the young woman's words. “He loves you, Mira”, she shook her head as tears streamed down her face. “Austin loves you. He loves you, not her. Pull yourself together”.

She gave a short nod and wiped the tears off her face, careful not to ruin her make up

“Good”, she placed a smile on her face. “Please be a darling and make your mother-in-law some tea, will you?”


“Steph, you really didn't need to come here with me. I'll be fine”, Abigail laughed as Luther pulled up in the driveway of Austin's mansion.

“Who knows what that evil hag has planned for you. I'm not going to risk anything happening to you in there”, she turned to Luther. “If I stop responding to your texts or don't answer your calls, call the police immediately”, she instructed to which Abigail and Luther laughed lightly.

“Sure thing baby. You'll text me when it's time to pick the two of you up right?”

“Sure”, both women chorused as they closed the car doors, with Stephanie blowing a kiss to Luther before he turned the ignition on and gave a short wave

They turned towards the house. “Remember, you don't eat or drink anything”, Stephanie warned again in a motherly tone before they reached the door

“Right”, Abigail nodded her head, snickering to herself

“I'm serious Abbie”

“I know you are”, Abigail pressed on the doorbell, and they waited. She took a deep breath. She felt nervous all of a sudden. It was not like it's the first time she's going to see Austin again, but it would be like seeing right after she left him. He's still going to have questions she still doesn't have answers to. She would stick to her story, like she always did.

The door pulled open and a dark haired woman stood across them. Both woman secretly grasped at her beauty. Mira definitely looked like a model, she was gorgeous.

The other woman's lips turned up into a smile. “Hi, welcome”, as she invited the women inside. She felt intimidated, how was she going to compete with Abigail?. She looked beautiful without even trying.

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