Part 7

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        (Chris's POV): I went outside for some fresh air to get away from Justine. Why did this have to happen to me? I've managed to go twenty eight years without having strong feelings for a woman and now they have to happen? And with one of my best friend's girlfriend! Of all the women in the world why'd it have to be her? And why do I have to make such a fool of myself when I'm around her? So what if she's pretty? So what if she has great taste in music? I could do much better than her. She and Eddie are perfect for each other and I don't want to be the one to ruin that.

        I went back into the apartment and headed for the bathroom. Maybe splashing some cold water on my face will help cool me down. I turned the knob and opened the door but what I saw made me freeze in my tracks. Justine was bending over the bathtub with no clothes on reaching to turn the shower on. My eyes fell to her two beautiful round cheeks that were beckoning me to come closer. Mother of God she's not wearing any panties. I thought. My eyes were glued to her naked rear end and I couldn't pull them away to save my life. When the phone ring I snapped out of my trance, closed the door softly so she wouldn't hear, and hurried to answer it. "I'll get it!" I shouted hysterically.

        Out of breath, I answered the phone. "Chris, what's wrong?" Eddie asked me. "Nothing, nothing's wrong, man. What- what's wrong with you?" "I was just calling to see how things are going?" I tried to laugh but it came out as if I were wheezing like I had asthma. "Everything's great. Nothing going on here." I said. "Where's Justine?" "I, I...I don't know. She's around here somewhere." "You didn't lose my girlfriend, did you?" "No I didn't. Oh wait, she's in the bathroom. I hear the shower running." I said. "Oh good. Because I have something to tell you but you can't tell anyone about this. Especially Justine."

        That was enough to calm me down and get me to listen. "What's wrong?" I asked. "...I met another woman." "...and?" "And we went to dinner and talked and had a great time." Eddie said. I let out a sigh of relief. "Oh, Eddie, that's nothing to be ashamed of. You can have dinner with another-" "And then we had sex." it fell silent. Justine started to sing My Girl in the shower and broke the silence. She sounded so cheerful and happy in there. If only she knew what her boyfriend did. "How could you do something like that when you have a girlfriend?" "I know, I know. I don't know what came over me. I had some drinks and then...she came onto me and things got out of hand." Eddie said. "Well you poor victim. I'm sure Justine will feel so sorry for you." "Well she's not going to find out because you're not going to tell her." "Maybe I'm not but you need to." I said. "If I tell her it could ruin things between us and we have a good thing going." "Well it must not be that good if you're looking for the goods elsewhere."

        "Why are you being such a dick about this? I know I fucked up and I feel terrible but-" "Eddie, come back to bed." I heard in the background. "One second, baby." I rolled my eyes. "That's really low, Eddie. Of all the people I know, I wouldn't have expected you to do something like this." I said. "I know what I did was wrong but you have to let me tell her in my own time in my own way. I'll make it up to her." "Yeah. I bet you will." "Why are you mad at me? It's not like I cheated on you." Eddie said. "I'm mad because I spent all day with that girl yesterday and I think she's great. She's a nice girl and she doesn't deserve that. She could have any man she wants and she chose you and you don't even appreciate that!" "Keep your voice down! I don't want her to hear!" "Maybe she should hear!" "Damn it, Chris, I'm sorry, okay! I fucked up and I'm sorry! What more can I do?!" Eddie yelled back. "Start treating your girlfriend right. That's what you can do." "I will. Once I get back there, I'll come clean and I'll ask her if we can start over." I rolled my eyes. "Good luck with that."

        After we hung up I stood there staring at the phone wanting to tear it out of the wall and throw it. That poor girl. Here she is thinking she has a loving boyfriend that cares about her and he's off fucking other women. Eddie may be one of my best friends but I'm ready to break his nose right now. Justine came out of the shower with a towel wrapped around herself. Our eyes met and she smiled before hurrying into the room and shutting the door. I balled my hands into fists and let out a deep breath. In all honesty, I hope she doesn't forgive him. I hope she realizes she could do better than that. And I hope she realizes that I could give her better than that.

        I sat down on the couch to wait for her get ready. She was ready ten minutes later and looked prettier than a flower. "You change fast." I said standing up. "I don't like to keep people waiting." it was quiet on our way downstairs. I thought I'd break the silence with a compliment. "You look really lovely by the way." "Aw, thank you." Justine said. Being mad at Eddie almost got the image of her bare ass out of my mind. But when I opened the door and she walked out before me, I checked out her behind and remembered what it looked like naked. "Where are you taking me?" "You'll see." I said. 

        We got in the car and took off. "So have you spoken to Eddie?" Justine asked. "I talked to him a little while ago." I said, feeling myself getting angry all over again. "What did he say?" I wish I could tell her everything he said but I didn't want to hurt her. He should be the one to do that, not me. "He told me to tell you he's having a good time but he misses you." "Aw, that's so sweet. I miss him too. A lot. More than I've ever missed anyone my whole life." Justine said. I tightened my grip on the steering wheel. He doesn't deserve to be missed. I thought. 

        I took Justine up to the Space Needle one of Seattle's biggest attractions. She was in awe of the skyline and took so many Polaroids. She even asked someone to take a picture of us. She had them take two and gave one to me to remember her. We ate at the SkyCity restaurant and I laughed with her more than I've laughed in months. It was just so refreshing to be around someone so mellow and nonjudgmental. I can be myself and say what I want and she responds with a smile and her honest opinion. I took her for a walk at the waterfront park just as the sun was beginning to set.

        "Did you have fun?" I asked her. "Tons. You're a fun guy." I chuckled. "I don't hear that too often." "Why not?" Justine asked. "I guess I am sometimes but most of the time I kind of get on people's nerves with my moods." "Stop being so moody then." "It's not a switch you can turn on and off that easily, hon." We stopped walking to stand there and enjoy the scene. I leaned my forearms on the rail and sighed. "Do you date much?" Justine asked. I scoffed. "God no. I don't have time for that." I said. "Maybe you haven't found the right person yet." she said softly. I looked over at her and our eyes met. I stood up and straight and faced her. I can't believe I'm about to do this. I thought. Hesitantly, I reached my hand out and stroked the side of her face. I started to bring my face down closer to hers when she said, "Maybe if you meet the right guy you won't be so lonely or angry anymore."

        I paused, halfway there to kissing her. "Guy?!" I asked, taking my hand away and backing up. "Well yeah. You're gay aren't you?" "Gay?! What makes you think I'm gay?!" "Well I thought you had a crush on Eddie and that's why you hated me at first!" Justine cried. "Whoa, now, lady, I would never have a crush on Eddie! I'd pick up Stone before I got with Eddie!" I yelled. She gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. "You mean you're not gay and you just hate me?" "I don't hate you, Justine! I could never hate you. I like you a lot in fact." she smiled. "Oh good. I thought you hated me. I worked so hard to get you to like me. I really want us to be friends." she said. The word friends hit me like a slap in the face. I nodded my head. "We are friends." she opened her arms and hugged my waist since that's all she could reach. This may be my only chance to hug her, so I embraced her back, pulling her close and resting my cheek on top of her head. "I'm glad we're friends." she said against my chest. I closed my eyes. "Me too."

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