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I began my freshman year of high school with zero friends. My dad was constantly moving us across the country for his various jobs, and by the time I was fourteen, he finally decided to settle down in South Carolina.

Admittedly, that was one of the last places I wanted to end up at. It was so boring compared to everywhere else we had lived before. It wasn't recognizable... to me at least. It felt like there was nothing to do there. I started my freshman year bored, annoyed, and alone.

A week into my arrival, I met Ryan Magee. He acted how I felt-- sick of school. He let me know that he expected to leave as soon as he graduated, and after a few months, he added me to the plan. For the next for years, I reluctantly played along.

I had no desire to become an internet star, let alone move to somewhere that cost so much just to live. He started to realize that near the end of senior year. And then he left.

I visited him often. When he lived with Mark, I came over to see him and check up on him. Then when he got a nice place with Matt, I came over. We saw each other over holidays in South Carolina, and in that time, I was in the same secretary job. I couldn't complain, though. It paid well. Still, an underlying jealousy was instilled in me. They were having so much fun, and I was still in South Carolina.

I started to wonder what it would be like to live there, or what it would take to live there. I didn't find myself as entertaining as them and their group of friends so being an "influencer" was out of the question. I was sure I could find another secretary job but it would never hold up the cost of living if I couldn't find one that was half-decent.

Still, watching their videos reminded me of all those times I shared with Ryan in high school and how easy it was for me to flow along with their comedy. I would give anything just to experience it right there. In front of me. 

And as if I manifested it, his name lit up on my phone as it vibrated in my lap. I stomped my poor excuse for a cigarette out on the ground and picked up, smiling.

"Look who it is."

"Hi, Y/N," he chuckled. "I was just thinking about you."

"You were? What for? Could you hear me talking about you?" I teased, pushing off the wall and heading back into my apartment.

"Maybe." The silence was sweet, almost like he was there with me. His warmth and his stupid laugh. My friend. "You there?"

"What's on your mind?"

"You, actually. Are you busy?" he asked. I swallowed, shutting my door behind me and tossing my slippers off my feet. He sniffed as I hobbled over to the couch and groaned.

"No. I'm never busy. I wish I was. I'm lonely."

"Thanks for the trauma dump, whore," he smirked. I chuckled and rolled around on the soft pillows. It was true. I was never busy, I never had any friends to go drink with, and I really wasn't in a position to just go visit the only friends I had. "Really... if you aren't, neither are we. Do you want to come visit?"

"Oh do I!" I gasped sarcastically, and we both laughed. "Are you sure? I don't want to get in the way of your shit."

"I promise you won't. Plus we miss having you around-- how's two weeks sound--"

"Ryan, two weeks?" I asked. He hummed. Two weeks away with them sounded great, but from a realistic stand point, coming back from that trip would be the absolute worst days of my life. Going back to work and realizing it was all over. I sniffed, pushing my fist under my nose.

"I'll call in and see the soonest I can get vacation is."

"Perfect!" he cheered, clapping. 


Why is wattpad still real. Sorry it took so long to start this re-write!! Uni is kicking my ass. Hopefully this turns out better then whatever 2017 year old me thought was good. <3


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