Meet The Boys

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Sarah crept back towards the door, grabbing her hard-covered copy of Thomas Harris' Hannibal to toss at the intruder if need be. She kept a good ten feet between herself and the door, being sure to give the trespasser a hard time to get at her if they decided to lunge.

She pulled the book back, getting ready to throw it as she watched the door nob turn slowly, quietly. The door creaked as it was pushed open; Sarah's heart rate increased the further the door opened. She silently hoped that good aim came with her demonic powers as short, spiked hair emerged from behind the door.

As soon as his entire head was visible, Sarah didn't hesitate to chuck the book at none other than Dean Winchester. The large hard-cover hit him square in the face as Sarah took off for her room. She heard the rushed foot falls of not one man, but two, clamber into her apartment and shut the door.

Rushing into her room, Sarah slammed the door shut, locking it before diving into her closet. What the fuck?! Balaam never mentioned another guy! She clamped her eyes shut as she pushed further into the wall, wishing she could just phase through it. A loud thump and the sound of wood cracking caused Sarah's eyes to snap open. She heard the heavy foot steps of one of the two men coming near the closet.

Her heart thumping in her chest, Sarah readied herself to attack if needed. A sudden crash caused the foot falls to cease; Sarah could only imagine that her over-excitement caused something to shatter.

Hushed words were exchanged by the two men, too quiet and blurred for Sarah to hear. The foot steps started back up again. Sarah tucked her feet under herself, positioning herself to be ready to jump out of the small closet.

The door nob turned. Sarah held her breath as she watched as the door was cracked before being yanked all the way open.

Sarah's eyes widened at the gun pointed directly at her head. She didn't register the tall man holding the gun before focusing all her energy on the gun. She silently prayed her failed attempts at levitating objects wouldn't reflect on her plan to toss the man's gun across the room-and they didn't. The gun was ripped from the man's hands by an invisible force and thrown to the other side of the room. The man was distracted long enough for Sarah to leap out of the closet and make a break for her bedroom door, which now sat battered and cracked on the frame with one hinge holding it in place.

She had almost made it through the door when she was tackled to the floor. Her eyes squeezed shut, bracing for impact; the back of her head collided with the carpeted floor, emitting a low thump.

Sarah groaned and slowly opened her eyes. Dark, dangerous green met bright, tear-rimed hazel. The dam she had built up in the back of her mind cracked and crumbled under the intense glare of those all-too-familiar eyes. The memories of waking up in a cold sweat-sometimes screaming- because of a nightmare she just couldn't seem to get rid of flooded past the remaining rubble.

Her breathing picked as Dean Winchester tightened his grip around her wrists. Suddenly, the drawer from her nightstand flew out of it's rightful place and smacked Dean level in the temple, causing him to tumble off of her. 

Sarah scrambled to her feet, only to be thrust into a near-by wall, an arm shoved across her chest. Tears where now pouring out of her eyes uncontrollably as she raised her head to face the man in front of her. His brown eyes gleamed with rage, looking almost black in the moonlit room. Sarah swallowed hard, fighting back a sob as she turned her head away, seeing the metallic gleam of a knife out of the corner of her eye. Her breath hitched and she shut her eyes, cursing Balaam for not showing up to help. 

She waited for the dagger to make contact with her skin, but it never did. Sarah's eyes fluttered open as she turned to look back at the man in front of her. His eyes had softened as well as his grip on her. "Sam," Dean grunted as he lifted himself off the floor. "What're you watin' for?" Sarah's attention focused on the shorter of the two, wincing at the blood running out of his nose and the side of his head. "Jus' gank the bitch so we can get outta here."

Sarah narrowed her watery eyes at his last comment. She felt irritation bubble in the back of her throat. "Who the fuck do you think you are?" she spat. "This is my house. You come in here, break my door, threaten me, and you have the audacity to call me a bitch?" 

She shoved Sam off of her with a new-found force, causing him to stumble back a few feet. "What the fuck do you want?!" she demanded loudly, glaring at both boys.

A framed picture hanging on the wall cracked at Sarah's sudden outburst. The three of them watched silently as the photograph of sleeping cats fell to the floor, shattering the glass further. "We came because of that," Sam explained.

"Now, why don't you just calm down," Dean suggested in his deep, scruffy voice. 

Sarah cast her eyes at the floor. "Why the fuck should I calm down?" she asked through gritted teeth. 

"Because we ne-" Sam started.

"It was a rhetorical question!" Sarah snapped, glaring at Sam though her eyelashes. "You two tried to kill me!"

The boys looked on with widened eyes before Sam finished what he was saying: "We need to talk."

"Talk?" Sarah scoffed, raking a hand through her tangled hair and rolling her eyes. "It seems to me that there was going to be no talking of the sort." 

"Listen, Blondie," Dean sighed, irritated with Sarah's attitude. "We didn't know whether or not you were gonna try to kill us," he explained. "Better safe than sorry, right?"

Sarah narrowed her eyes at Dean. "You thought I was trying to kill you two? I was hiding in my closet," she stated sternly. 

Sam and Dean exchanged uneven glances, obviously arguing with each other in their minds. They both opened their mouths to speak, but Sam beat Dean to it. "We're sorry," Sam apologized with full-on puppy-dog eyes. "We would like to talk to you about this-" he paused, trying to come up with the right word, "-condition that you seem to have."

Sarah crossed her arms and leaned to one side, putting more weight on her left foot than her right. She pressed her lips together in thought. "Fine," she decided after a short, thick silence. "You have fifteen minutes." 

A/N: i absolutely loved writing this chapter! the action in it was just so much fun to come up with. i hope you enjoyed reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it. any who, happy holidays! i hope you all have a fun time with family and/or friends over the winter break! 

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