The day i woke up

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This is April ^
But the photo does not have freckles and she does

Hi there my name is April, April springs. I'm nothing special you see I'm just a nerd. I have good grades and never really go to party's. I have strawberry blond hair and blue eyes and freckles. I hardly get in trouble and I love art and car racing. Yes why would a nerd like car racing well I've been street racing since I was 14, I'm 17 right now and I'm the queen of it until the bad boy had to take my crown from me. I stopped after that but I still go to cheer on the people who are racing. When I'm be hind the wheel I feel.... I feel so free like no one can take me down. That was until I lost and every one was so shocked. When I saw who I lost to I almost died he was so hot and instead I got back in the car and drove off down the street and never looked back. Any way that's enough of me.

Let's get to how I have school. Ugh!!!
No I do not like school. Just because I'm a nerd does not mean I like to get up at 6 every morning for long boring school days. Oh no I despise it so much. Any way I do my routine witch is just brush my curly hair, put on my skinny jeans, and a shirt. After that I put on my mascara, some red lip stick but not a lot, and then put my Converse on and left the house. No I did not eat because I'm not hungry in the mornings I'm weird like that ok. I have a car but today I saw that I had a lot of time so I thought that I could just walk and that is what I'm doing right now is walking to hell * aka school*.
Thank god I was listening to music. My school has all the types of people like goth,emo,jocks,sluts,bitches,oh and my favorite bad boys. One if the bad boys name is Hunter he is so damn hot like I mean I almost melt when ever we pass by each other. oh and the best thing is that he's in all of my classes. Which makes me happy, but what I don't like about him is that he is a player. He has dated almost every girl in the school like come on he has no manners what so ever. He just humps and dumped them. Luke who does that, it's not right. Oh and I do cuses a lot more then I should but I don't give a fuck.
And yes I do have a crush on Hunter like who wouldn't he's so hot. But I know I have no chance with him cause I'm a nerd and he's a bad boy.
" April!!!April!!!!"
Oh dear god does my best friend want me to be notices by everyone in here
" Ad, calm the hell down and tell me what's wrong."
Ad is short for adrea.
"Hunter is coming back today from jail, and I saw him too."
I think I just died, last time I saw him he was getting put in hand cuffes because he did something. And now he's coming back today for school. Dear god.
"Damnit, I thought I had just one more day be for he comes back."
"I know same, I was really looking foreword to having peace one more day but I guess not."
"Yep,I guess not."
We started to walk to class when I was turning the corner I hit something really hard.
" What the fuck watch were you are going nerd."
I fuck me, it just had to be Hunter. Yes I have a crush in him but I don't like it one bit.
"No you watch it if your head was not so far up your ass you would have saw me coming."
I push past him more pissed then ever. When I felt someone grab my wrist made me turn around to see who grabed me.
"Do you know who I am nerd."
"Yes I do Hunter, you are just a rich boy who can't keep his dick in his pants all you do is hump and dump and one who has lags that walks by you. But you know what I don't give to flying fucks."
And I got my wrist out of his grip and walked away more pissed then I have been in years.
"Does someone want NUTELLA?"
"YES!!!!" What can I say chocolate is my weekness.

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