Paiging Dr. Weston Mad

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"You must be one of the new nurses we received in last weeks shipment"

"Yes ma'm that's me"

"My name is Julia I'm the head nurse if you have any questions my office is just down there" Julia said pointing down the hall to a rather large room with a wide glass window.

"Thank you ma'm, my name is clare by the way" she said with a goofy grin.

"I see, what section are you with?"

"Excuse me?" clare said blinking like she had no clue in the world.

"Are you telling me that you were transported here without having a clue to witch section you are with?" Julia said sighing in frustration.

"Well maybe you could tell me a little about the sections and I could tell you witch one I would be best fit for"

"Very well there are 3 sections the first one is section A were all the minor patients are kept"

"Wait what do you mean minor? Like they just hear voices and are socially awkward?"

"Yeah stuff like that. Now section B is where patients like for example try to kill themselves or hear and act on voices they hear, and some that are kept there actually don't believe this is an asylum they believe it to be whatever fantasy they live in"

"And the 3rd section?" clare asked and noticed Julia's eyes turn glossy and she looked as if she saw a ghost.

"Yes well finely we have section X where only the most dangerous, violent, ruthless, patients are kept" she said her voice suddenly old and empty as if she has seen and heard more horror then a normal person would in a hundred life times.

"I've decided I'm more fit for the X section" clare said smiling"

Julia looked over at her in surprise but just said "Follow me then" and they walked outside and up to a large gray brick building that looked more like a jail house then a place where you keep mentally sick people.

"You will be assigned any patient you wish, I will give you the list for you to look over in a minute" Julia said then disappeared behind a black wooden door leaving clare in the hall to ponder over the events of the day.

"Mr. Weston I'm coming in ok?"

The door to the small enclosed room creaked opened and a tall stick like lady appeared through it with a tray and a rather gloomy face.

"How are you feeling today?" the lady waited for a response but like usual Mr. Weston just sat on his bed and stared out the window watching the crows peck at whatever lunch they managed to rummage. The lady then put the tray down on the small white desk in the corner and walked out.


"Have you decided what patient you would like to try and get in his or her mind yet?" Julia asked clare as they walked through the halls of the X section.

"Yes ma'm I have actually" clare replied with a rather excited tone.

"Alright then who is it?"

"I would like to study the patient known as Weston Mad"

Julia stopped dead in her tracks and clare begun to wonder if she might have asked for a very dangerous patient.

"What's wrong?" clare asked as she looked at Julia with a freaked out face on.

Paiging Dr. Weston MadWhere stories live. Discover now