Bang Chan

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Where you met: Music Store & first date 1 week later

Bang Chan picked you up at your house in his navy SUV. He opened the car door for you and as he did you could hear Ed Sheeran playing over his car stereo. As he took a seat in the driver's side he told you to go ahead and pick out the music.

You said that Sheeran was fine and you were on your way to the restaurant. Chan looked really nice in his white button down and leather pants. Also, he smelled divine!

Most of the conversation on the way was about music and how it has influenced your lives.

Chan had a table reserved for you both under the name Berry. And, like a gentleman pulled your chair out the chair for you to sit down. A candlelit dinner too, of course.

You'd been texting for about a week at this point, and many times you found yourself texting until 5am. He was very easy to talk to in person too.

After dinner, you both decided to take a stroll down the block. The area was lined with small mom and pop shops. This was a part of town you'd never really explored before. Being a book nerd, you asked to stop at a little corner bookstore.

"Looking for anything in particular, y/n?" he asked.

"I just like to browse," you said.

He picked up a copy of Le Petit Prince and you got The Last Unicorn.

As you continued your stroll around the shops, you noticed that you both were walking so close to each other that your shoulders kept bumping. He would smile and apologize every time it happened. At one point you had to cross the road and as you crossed, he pulled your arm back because a car was coming that you did not notice.

"Oh gosh, thank you," you said.

"I just want you to be safe," he replied with a little wink.

You happened to come across an ice cream parlor so he bought you a cup of what flavor you wanted and he got a cup of this weird concoction of melon flavored ice cream with chili flakes on it. He offered you a bite and realized it was too hot for you. He giggled at your painful expression but then apologized. But still kept softly laughing.

It was getting late so he took you home. Once there, he opened the car door for you and walked you to your front door.

"Can I see you again, soon, y/n?"

"Yes, I'd like that," you answer.

You hug and then look up at each other and share an awkward laugh.

"Y/n.....," he giggles again and hides his face in embarrassment, "....can I kiss you.... ?"


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