Prologue: Bloom of a New Flower

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One morning, the feeling of a sharp pain stirred Daisy Evans from her sleep. She sighed knowing it was the work of her Lily. The child hadn't even come out of her womb yet, but was already being so naughty.

Careful not to wake her husband, she trudged out of their king sized bed, catching site of something outside the window.

"Oh my," she gasped as she gazed at the white blanket covering each crevice of the ground. It was the first snow of the year.

"You wanted me to see this, didn't you?" she asked caressing her stomach with a warm smile on her face. Sensing the empty space beside him, her husband opened his eyes to stare at his beautiful woman's back.

"What are you looking at dear?" Roger Evans drawled turning onto his side towards his wife before letting out a small sigh in contentment.

"Oh, you're awake! Look Roger! It's the first snow!" Daisy exclaimed turning to the side to let her husband see the beautiful view.

Disappointment flickered across Roger's face when he could no longer view his wife's beautiful, perky bum.

"Ah, it really is the first snow," the twenty-five year old man observed with slight amusement while standing up and stretching his arms out.  Like a panther pouncing on his prey, he immediately brought his wife into a bear hug. Daisy grinned at him, giggling like a besotted teenager.

"In my opinion, you my dear, are the best view." He placed his head on her shoulder, breathing in her natural rose scent. 

Much to his disappointment, Daisy pulled away from his hold, trudging to the bathroom and locking the door behind her so that man wouldn't find an excuse to join her. However, her blazing red face could not be missed.

"I wonder where Petunia is? Maybe she's still sleeping," he muttered to himself.

Just then he heard the soft squeaking of the bedroom door. He could see a small head peeking out from behind it.

"That answers that."

His cute toddler was right in front of him, peering at him shyly from behind the door. Petunia's a very timid child, so encounters like these were normal.

Roger put on his best smiling, kneeling down to his 2-year old daughter's height, putting his arms out for her.

"Petunia, come to daddy."

The girl immediately ran to him.

Standing up, he asked "Did mummy and daddy wake you up again?"

Petunia solemnly nodded her head.

"I'm sorry, princess. Can you forgive daddy," Gerald apologized with a mock-sad face pulling on his daughter's adorable cheeks.

Petunia only gravely nodded her head, ignoring her father's antics.

"Uh honey? I think my water just broke!" Daisy called out.

"Oh my god! Crap!" Roger cried out quickly setting an unperturbed Petunia down and rushing to the bathroom door.

Roger frantically twisted the knob, but to no avail. "Daisy why the heck did you lock the door?! How am I supposed to get inside?! What was the need to even lock?! There are no secrets between us!" he angrily exclaimed.

"What's wrong with locking the door?! Can't I get some privacy?"

"But now I can't get inside to help you, dear!"

"I was just trying to take a precaution against your boorish ways!" Daisy blushed furiously while trying to stand up to open the door.

She waited for a response, but none came. Was he ignoring her? Was he insinuating something by being silent? Little did she know, that on the other side Roger's face had turned stark red.

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